Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Major General Lafayette McLaws - American Civil War
Major General Lafayette McLaws - American Civil War Lafayette McLaws - Early Life Career: Born in Augusta, GA on January 15, 1821, Lafayette McLaws was the son of James and Elizabeth McLaws. Named for the Marquis de Lafayette, he disliked his name which was pronounced LaFet in his native state. While receiving his early education at Augustas Richmond Academy, McLaws was schoolmates with his future commander, James Longstreet. When he turned sixteen in 1837, Judge John P. King recommended that McLaws be appointed to the US Military Academy. While accepted for an appointment, it was deferred a year until Georgia had a vacancy to fill. As a result, McLaws elected to attend the University of Virginia for a year. Leaving Charlottesville in 1838, he entered West Point on July 1. While at the academy, McLaws classmates included Longstreet, John Newton, William Rosecrans, John Pope, Abner Doubleday, Daniel H. Hill, and Earl Van Dorn. Struggling as student, he graduated in 1842 ranked forty-eighth in a class of fifty-six. Commissioned as a brevet second lieutenant on July 21, McLaws received an assignment to the 6th US Infantry at Fort Gibson in the Indian Territory. Promoted to second lieutenant two years later, he moved to the 7th US Infantry. In late 1845, his regiment joined Brigadier General Zachary Taylors Army of Occupation in Texas. The following March, McLaws and the army shifted south to the Rio Grande opposite the Mexican town of Matamoros.  Lafayette McLaws - Mexican-American War: Arriving in late March, Taylor ordered the construction of Fort Texas along the river before moving the bulk of his command to Point Isabel. The 7th Infantry, with Major Jacob Brown in command, was left to garrison the fort. In late April, American and Mexican forces first clashed beginning the Mexican-American War. On May 3, Mexican troops opened fire on Fort Texas and commenced a siege of the post. Over the next few days, Taylor won victories at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma before relieving the garrison. Having endured the siege, McLaws and his regiment remained in place through the summer before taking part the Battle of Monterrey that September. Suffering from ill health, he was placed on the sick list from December 1846 into February 1847.  Promoted to first lieutenant on February 16, McLaws played a role in the Siege of Veracruz the following month. Continuing to have health issues, he was then ordered north to New York to for recruiting duty. Active in this role through the rest of the year, McLaws returned to Mexico in early 1848 after making several requests to rejoin his unit. Ordered home in June, his regiment moved to Jefferson Barracks in Missouri. While there, he met and married Taylors niece Emily. Promoted to captain in 1851, the next decade saw McLaws move through a variety of posts on the frontier. Lafayette McLaws - The Civil War Begins: With the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter and start of the Civil War in April 1861, McLaws resigned from the US Army and accepted a commission as a major in the Confederate service. In June, he became colonel of the 10th Georgia Infantry and his men were assigned to the Peninsula in Virginia. Aiding to construct defenses in this area, McLaws greatly impressed Brigadier General John Magruder. This led to a promotion to brigadier general on September 25 and command of a division later that fall. In the spring, Magruders position came under attack when Major General George B. McClellan commenced his Peninsula Campaign. Performing well during the Siege of Yorktown, McLaws earned a promotion to major general effective May 23.    Lafayette McLaws - Army of Northern Virginia: As the season progressed, McLaws saw further action as General Robert E. Lee commenced a counter-offensive which resulted in the Seven Days Battles. During the campaign, his division contributed to the Confederate victory at Savages Station but was repelled at Malvern Hill. With McClellan checked on the Peninsula, Lee reorganized the army and assigned McLaws division to Longstreets corps. When the Army of Northern Virginia moved north in August, McLaws and his men remained on the Peninsula to watch Union forces there. Ordered north in September, the division operated under Lees control and assisted Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons capture of Harpers Ferry.   Ordered to Sharpsburg, McLaws earned Lees ire by moving slowly as the army re-concentrated prior to the Battle of Antietam. Reaching the field, the division aided in holding the West Woods against Union attacks. In December, McLaws regained Lees respect when his division and the rest of Longstreets corps resolutely defended Maryes Heights during the Battle of Fredericksburg. This recovery proved short-lived as he was tasked with checking Major General John Sedgwicks VI Corps during the final stages of the Battle of Chancellorsville. Facing the Union force with his division and that of Major General Jubal A. Early, he again moved slowly and lacked aggressiveness in dealing with the enemy.  This was noted by Lee, who when he reorganized the army after Jacksons death, declined Longstreets recommendation that McLaws receive command of one of the two newly-created corps. Though a reliable officer, McLaws functioned best when given direct commands under close supervision. Upset by perceived favoritism to officers from Virginia, he requested a transfer which was refused. Marching north that summer, McLaws men arrived at the Battle of Gettysburg early on July 2. After several delays, his men attacked Brigadier General Andrew A. Humphreys and Major General David Birneys divisions of Major General Daniel Sickles III Corps. Under the personal supervision of Longstreet, McLaws pushed Union forces back capturing the Peach Orchard and beginning a back and forth struggle for the Wheatfield. Unable to break through, the division fell back to defensible positions that evening. The next day, McLaws remained in place as Picketts Charge was defeated to the nor th.    Lafayette McLaws - In the West:  On September 9, the bulk of Longstreets corps was ordered west to aid General Braxton Braggs Army of Tennessee in northern Georgia. Though he had not yet arrived, the lead elements of McLaws division saw action during the Battle of Chickamauga under the guidance of Brigadier General Joseph B. Kershaw. Reassuming command after the Confederate victory, McLaws and his men initially took part in siege operations outside of Chattanooga before moving north later in the fall as part of Longstreets Knoxville Campaign. Attacking the citys defenses on November 29, McLaws division was baldy repelled. In the wake of the defeat, Longstreet relieved him but elected not to court-martial him as he believed McLaws might be useful to the Confederate Army in another position. Irate, McLaws requested a court-martial to clear his name. This was granted and commenced in February 1864. Due to delays in obtaining witnesses, a ruling was not issued until May. This found McLaws not guilty on two charges of neglect of duty but guilty on a third. Though sentenced to sixty days without pay and command, the punishment was immediately suspended due to wartime needs. On May 18, McLaws received orders for the defenses of Savannah in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Though he argued that he was being scapegoated for Longstreets failure at Knoxville, he accepted this new assignment. While in Savannah, McLaws new division unsuccessfully resisted Major General William T. Shermans men that fall at the conclusion of the March to the Sea. Retreating north, his men saw continued action during the Carolinas Campaign and took part in the Battle of Averasborough on March 16, 1865. Lightly engaged at Bentonville three days later, McLaws lost his command when General Joseph E. Johnston reorganized Confederate forces after the battle. Sent to lead the District of Georgia, he was in that role when the war ended. Lafayette McLaws - Later Life: Staying in Georgia, McLaws entered the insurance business and later served as a tax collector. Engaged in Confederate veterans groups, he initially defended Longstreet against those, such as Early, who attempted to blame the defeat at Gettysburg on him. During this time, McLaws did reconcile to some degree with his former commander who admitted that relieving him was a mistake. Late in his life, resentment towards Longstreet resurfaced and he began to side with Longstreets detractors. McLaws died in Savannah on July 24, 1897, and was buried in the citys Laurel Grove Cemetery.  Selected Sources Gettysburg Generals: Major General Lafayette McLawsCivil War: Major General Lafayette McLawsLatin Library: Major General Lafayette McLaws
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw Essays
Love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw Essays Love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw Paper Love between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw Paper There was only doom and gloom in Cathy and Heathcliffs relationship soon after Cathy returned from Thushcross Grange, things werent going too well. Catherine started spending much more time with Edgar and this was observable from Heathcliffs calendar in which he marked off the days Cathy spent with him and also the days she spent with Edgar, the ration would have been 5:25, five days she had spent with Heathcliff and twenty-five with Edgar. One stormy night, Catherine had just come back from the grange, she seemed very happy but the storm was a sign that something disastrous had to arise. She asked Nelly if she would keep a secret for her, the secret was Edgar had proposed to Cathy and she had accepted the proposal. Nelly saw someone approaching in the corridor and realised it was Heathcliff who was listening to their conversation in the dark, Catherine on the contrary had no clue whatsoever about his arrival. Nelly then asked Cathy why she wants to marry Edgar; she said she loves everything about him, and that she would be the finest and richest woman in the area. Nelly acknowledged that all these reasons werent good enough and that Heathcliff would friend, love, and all that he has. Cathy remembered her dream in which she was miserable in heaven and wanted to return to the heights, and realises Ive no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven. Right after that Cathy says It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now. Heathcliff leaves right after listening to this. She goes on comparing Heathcliff to Edgar without knowing Heathcliff had gone forever by saying, Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same, and Lintons is as different as moonbeam from lightning or frost from fire. Social class plays a huge role in this separation, Cathy said it would degrade her to marry Heathcliff because he was a servant and they werent on the same level, this also links back to Hindleys revenge as he was the one who made Heathcliff a servant. Family and destiny also play a major role as Nelly knew Heathcliff was eavesdropping but never told Cathy, also Heathcliff only heard Cathy talking about the degradation not staying to hear her say, I am Heathcliff. This is where faith interwines in their love. Catherine becomes very ill after losing her love and waits for Heathcliff for another two and a half years, but with no luck she finally marries Edgar, destiny also plays a role here as Heathcliff returns after three years, 3 months after Cathy gets married to Edgar. Cathy was flabbergasted when she saw Heathcliff on the door of the grange and invited him in, she also told Edgar to be friends with him as he was now a fine rich gentleman, Edgar wasnt half as happy as Cathy was upon Heathcliffs arrival. Cathy discovered Heathcliff was now the owner of Wuthering Heights as Hindley had no money after gambling continuously. Cathy was starting to become selfish as she wanted Heathcliff to be her friend and Edgar to be her husband at the same time, something which neither of the two wanted. Between all this Heathcliff turned into Isabellas crush, and Isabella soon started to love Heathcliff. He took advantage of this and got his revenge with Edgar by marrying his sister even though Cathy had told her how cruel and wicked Heathcliff is. Isabella soon realised this when Heathcliff said your wealth is now mine and you are going to wish you never married me. This separation was due to Heathcliff wanting to get revenge on Edgar. Cathy was soon seriously ill, and in the 1800s a minor cold could result in a persons death. After a few days in bed Cathys condition worsened, Heathcliff arrived at the grange right after he received the news that Cathy is ill, they were both in tears and angry with each other, but they both forgave each other, Heathcliff had to go out when Edgar arrived but told Cathy I will see you again. He didnt know this was their last meeting, Cathy died a few hours after giving birth to a baby girl, Catherine Linton. This was their final separation, a physical one. Destiny, family, hatred, revenge, social class and death were a few of the main reasons for the soul mates separation along with many people mainly from the family. Wuthering Heights was an amazing story told by Emile Bronte, the two lovers Catherine and Heathcliff finally got together after Heathcilff died in her memories. Alas.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A study of the financial sector in Saudi Arabia differentiating Essay
A study of the financial sector in Saudi Arabia differentiating between conventional loans & Murabaha financing - Essay Example Further, the section will also discuss about the basic aims and objectives of the paper. The next section of the paper will be of the theoretical perspective in which the actual meaning of the conventional financing and Murabaha financing according to theories will be discussed. In the next chapter, an intensive review of various literary sources will be presented through which different aspects about Murabaha financing and current market scenario of Saudi Arabia will be presented. The next chapter will discuss the methodology being used for the research. Further, in the next section, analysis of the information gathered in the previous section will be presented. The next section of the paper will present several recommendations about the topic on the basis of the research. At last, the paper will conclude in the last section, i.e. conclusion. Table of content Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................... ... 4 1.1 Aims and Objectives of the research.................................................................. 4 1.2 Research Questions ........................................................................................... 6 Chapter 2: Theoretical perspective ....................................................................................... ... ............................................................................................... 14 Chapter 4: Methodology and Research design.......................................................................18 4.1 Library Research Method for Data Collection ....................................................22 4.2 Case study analysis methods ...............................................................................24 4.3 limitations of the research and research design .................................................. 25 Chapter 5 Findings and analysis.............................................................................................28 5.1 Findings from literature review .......................................................................... 28 5.2 Findings from case study .................................................................................... 35 Chapter 6: Recommendations ........................................................................ ...................... 44 Chapter 7: Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 45 Chapter 8: References ............................................................................................................47 Chapter: 9 Appendix ............................................................................................................. 51 1. Introduction Finance is one of the most important aspects of business activities of each and every country. Simply, finance stands for the allocation as well as management of available resources. It also includes the process of acquisition or investing activities of a firm. Basically finance is considered as blood of the organization which is
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
European Union Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
European Union Trade - Essay Example Established by Article 113 [133] of the Treaty of Rome, Common Commercial Policies therefore took shape in 1961 to safeguard the common interests of the EU nations (Bretherton & Vogler, 1999). This effectively meant that the EU region will act as one country while dealing with any other country/ organisation for trade and commercial interests. But the commonness envisaged within the policy kept eluding the European community for many years, because of the changes that the world went through during the period and the conflicts of economic interests within the EU nations. The delay in settling for a common European Monetary unit (EMU) is one such example. Euro, the common currency came into being in 1999, but Bordo and Jonung (1999) reported about some observer's apprehensions about EMU itself citing the lack of a central authority supervising the financial systems of EMU. The Common Commercial Policy expected a degree of autonomy and competitiveness from the member states, which has b een achieved with limited success so far, as is evident from OECD (2007) 'EU country note', which states that competition in network industries remains patchy while implementation of the liberalization policies by individual countries are not in sync with the EU level as a whole. Bretherton & Vogler (1999) further suggest that the common commercial policy calls for common policies on tariff rates, international negotiations, liberalization, exports and trade protection measures; all based on uniform principles. Despite the differences in policy implementations, perception and other interests, today with a share of 18.10% in Goods and 26.4% in services, EU is a major trading partner with the world community, as is evident from the charts below. Fig-1: Share of EU in world trade1 Roarty (1996) states that in order to minimize the differences on trade barriers, efforts were also made in 1993 by creating a Single European Market (SEM). SEM's stated objective was to eliminate the non-tariff barriers restricting competition and resulting in fragmented European market. OECD (2007) points out that the income gap between EU and USA has kept widening since 1990 on account of decelerating growth in productivity and improper labor utilization by some of the larger countries in the EU. Wallace & Wallace (2000) point out towards a fundamental shortcoming in the framework of EU policy making. According to them, "Most studies of the EU concentrate on describing what happens in and through the special institutions of the EU, located in Brussels, Luxembourg, and Strasbourg: the European Commission; the Council of the EU; the European Council; the EP; and the ECJ. However, we should be careful not to regard these EU institutions as existing in a vacuum. Most of the policy-makers who devise and operate EU rules and legislation are from the member states themselves. They are people who spend the majority of their time as national policy-makers, for whom the European dimension is an extended policy arena, not a separate activity." Bretherton & Vogler (1999) also state that though the Common Commercial Policy has evolved through a complex interaction between the shifting composition of international trade, the external demands of various GATT rounds and adjudicative decisions of the European Court of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Body Shop Essay Example for Free
The Body Shop Essay Body Shop is a brand with a difference. Marketers consider this brand as an Icon. Body Shop has created a brand image without the aid of conventional advertising. 2006 saw this iconic brand draw up serious business plans for India. Body Shop brand was created in 1976 in Brighton United Kingdom. The brand and the brand owner share a common personality that is very much linked to each other. Anita Roddick the legendary founder of the Brand created this brand from a small shop in UK started to support her family. Body Shop in India is sold through the master franchise Planet Sports . The brand is expecting to ramp up the operations to major metros by the year 2008. Body Shop is differentiated from other conventional cosmetics by the values that the brand adheres to and the brand image created through the unique association with those values. The brand is famous for its association with ethical practices and the environment friendly world view. The products reflects these values through the use of only natural ingredients and the products are never tested on animals. The ackaging and the merchandising are carefully prepared to highlight the brand values. For example , Body Shop uses refillable packs and recycled [recyclable papers. Although the use of refillable packs were used to keep the price low, it evolved into an element that reinforced the brand positioning. The brand also was careful in the messages displayed in the shop and other POP merchandises. The messages were simple, enthusiastic and informative. These elements made Body Shop a different cosmetic brand. The brand was essentially an extension of the founder herself. Anita Roddick is an ardent environmentalist and naturalist. Her views about the nature supported with her activities and associations created a positive reinforcement for the brand. Customers were seeing a brand that does things while others Just give hope. More over Body Shop was able to communicate with the customers at a higher level rising above beauty and fairness that other cosmetics talked about. There was honesty associated with the brand. The shops also reinforced this attribute. All the shops reflected an environment of honesty, excitement and fun. It is reported that Ms Anita Roddick takes personal interview with the franchises to ensure that they share the same passion with Body Shop principle. Although Body Shop is starting serious business with Indian consumers only now, the association with India dates back to the initial years itself. India was a sourcing partner for Body Shop during the creation of the brand. The success of the brand was because of the unique business model of Body Shop. The brand relies on PR and word of mouth to make sales. The Indian launch was also
Friday, November 15, 2019
Shakespeares Othello - The Motivations of Iago in Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
The Motivations of Iago in Othello        Have you ever met a devil who does evil for his own sake? Iago in William Shakespeare's Othello could seem like he has good motives, but I feel that he uses them as his excuses. The first thing that I did was uncovered Iago's motives. Iago is the most controversial character in Othello. He is able to keep his true thoughts and motives from everyone. Are his motives only excuses for his actions? Iago pretends to have so many motives that they seem more like excuses. Iago then uses these excuses to justify his actions, which are pure evil. I also feel that Iago has motives and actions that cause his actions. Does Iago have many different excuses, or does he only have one? This paper will prove that Iago has one clear motive and reason for his madness. Iago is not looking for justification that causes him to act the way he does. There is much more though to Iago. He is not a man of only excuses, he has goals with his motives, which causes him to act the way he does. As early as the first scene of the play Iago shows us strong motives for his actions. In this first scene we see Othello, a general of Venice, has made Cassio his new lieutant. Iago feels he truly deserves his promotion as he says "I know my price, I am worth more no worse a place."(l.i.12) Iago over here is confused why Othello has made such a stupid decision. Iago is a man with a tremendous ego who knows, sometimes overestimates, his worth. Roderigo, a Venetian gentleman, understands Iago when Iago said that he is "affined to love the Moor."(l.i.41-42) What Iago really means is "I follow him to serve my term upon him."(l.i.45) Iago wants to use Othello for his personal goals. We also must put ourselves into Iago's shoes. He is a man whose self-esteem and professional carrier have just been torn apart. Iago makes his actions of revenge toward Othello almost immediately by informing Brabantio, a Venetian senator and father of Desdemona, that "an old black ram (Othello) is tupping (hi s) white ewe (Desdemona)."(l.i.97) Iago's next motive becomes clear when he convinces Othello "that he (Cassio) is too familiar with his (Othello's) wife." (1,iii.4399) Iago's motive here is to break the bond between Othello and Desdemona.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Book Report: The Other Side Of Truth by Beverley Naidoo Essay
The Other Side of Truth is an historical fiction novel set on a true story. Although all the characters in the book are fictional, three political figures who were real people, are mentioned within it. It is set in around 1996, just after an event that ties in with one of these real people, has come to an end. The story linking the fictional characters together is supposedly set when talk of this real life event has died down. The novel is told in third person and is mainly focused on the thoughts and actions of the main character; a young Nigerian girl named Sade. The Other Side of Truth begins in Lagos, Nigeria with a terrible tragedy. It begins on an ordinary day, Sade and her younger brother Femi are packing their bags for school, and their father, an outspoken Nigerian journalist is getting ready for work. Suddenly: â€Å"A shot. Two shots at the gate in the early morning and a car screeches away down an avenue of palm trees†After the terrible loss of their mother, Sade and Femi find that terror is all around them. Their father decides that they must flee their country to England, and go and stay with their Uncle Dele. At once. Just the two of them. Plans for their journey are promptly arranged and they soon find themselves on the plane to England, under the names of Yemi and Ade, travelling as the children of a Mrs Bankole. But as soon as they arrive in England, Mrs Bankole deserts them and they are left wondering the streets of London on their own. A huge shock comes, when they are unable to locate their Uncle Deli. Together, they tramp round the dusty, dirty London streets, trying to find place to shelter for the night. Their large holdall is stolen and they soon find themselves being taken away by the police, assumed as thieves. When asked their names, they take their mothers surname, so that the police don’t find out that they are the children of Mr Folarin Solaja, a man whom many Nigerian’s hate, just because he writes the truth. The police soon realise that they are not thieves and the children are handed over to the social workers who fix them up for the night at a Mrs Grahams. The next morning, the social workers begin to inquire about the reason why they were all alone in the centre of London, late last night. Where were their parents? At first the children say nothing, not knowing what to say and what to keep to themselves. After a long struggle, the social workers finally manage to get their names and a little information out of them. It takes a long time, but finally the children are given temporary admission to the country, and the social workers take the children to the home of Mr and Mrs King whom they are to stay with until they find their Uncle or any of their relations. The children start to settle down with the Kings, and they both start school. However problems for Sade are far from over. She is bullied, by two of the girls from school, into stealing from the family of her friend Mariam who is also African. All Sade and her brother want, is for things to be how they were on that morning before the death of their mother. But now, they never know if they will ever see their father, or any of their relations again. The Other Side of Truth is a tragic novel that I found, on the whole is very emotional. The characters are very convincing and memorable. They are described as seen through the eyes of Sade and are very realistic. The author has named the people who play minor parts in the novel, by the action they did, or what they said in the story. For example, all we hear about one character is, †A man in a yellow coat guarded the door. With one hand, he held a mobile telephone up to his ear. With the other he controlled the queue.†This man is not given a proper name, instead the author writes him as ‘Mr Mobile’. The use of this naming technique is used throughout the book. It is only with the main characters that real names are used. Beverley Naidoo has written the novel in a very vivid style, and it is very easy to picture what is going on at each point in the book in you head. The opening is very strong and will immediately get the reader hooked, as it did for myself. Usually it is the opening of the book that decides whether you are going to read on or not, and in this book a major event happens in the first chapter, which makes you want to find out what happens next. The author uses many very descriptive passages and emotional phrases to really bring you into the book and make you feel that you are there experiencing what Sade and Femi had to. Throughout the novel, Beverley Naidoo has used flashbacks to something that has happened in Sade’s life in the past that relates to the story at that time. It might be something that her mother had said, or something that her father had told her. An example of this from the novel follows: When Sade returns from school on her first day, Aunt Gracie asks her what it was like and Sade replies, †It was fine, thank you.†This was a lie and there is then a flash back to something Sade’s mother had once said: â€Å"Tell a lie, play with fire. But don’t complain of the smoke.†The Other Side of Truth is a novel that will appeal to anyone who enjoys historic books with a bit of an adventure. I think it would mainly appeal to teenagers, but adults who enjoy an easy read may also like it. I really enjoyed reading the book, as there was always something happening and it was fairly easy to understand with not many character names to remember, so I did not get confused. I found it very emotional and very realistic. The novel is very well written and you can really get into and feel that you are there, watching the incidents in the book happen right in front of your eyes.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Why Did the Titanic Sank
Why did the Titanic’s maiden voyage ended in such disaster? One of the largest passenger liner of the early 20th century made in the history, having the first and final voyage 100 years ago, owned by the magnificent White Star Line, was travelling without interference through the calm waters until one of the sailors on board reported that the Titanic is heading for a vast and humongous iceberg in April 12 1912 at that lethal midnight. The disaster had caused 1517 deaths on board, though there were only partially of the passengers that survived the disaster; which strangely are mostly consisted of women and children.In this essay we will embark on a journey to find out the causes of the Titanic’s maiden voyage ended in such disaster. Competition and pressure for Atlantic passengers At that time, Bruce Ismay, the Managing Director of the White Star Line, was fierce about the competition for Atlantic passengers with other companies and the White Star Line wanted to show th em that they could make a six-day crossing from Southampton to New York City. In order to meet this schedule, the Titanic could not afford to slow down, putting pressure on Captain Smith to maintain the travelling speed of the ship.Over confident by Captain Smith of the Titanic As the ship was manoeuvring on calm waters, the captain received several warnings about iceberg. In fact, the captain ignored seven warnings. If he was cautious and more concern than been on schedule, he would have slowed down the ship and put more crews to keep eyes on the icebergs, maybe the Titanic disaster would not have happened. Poor quality of the rivets in Titanic Besides that, a few million rivets were used to hold sections of Titanic together steadily.As some of the rivets were recovered from the wreckage and investigated, the result shows that the rivets were made of sub-standard iron which caused sections of the Titanic to break due to the force of impact of the ship and the iceberg. If a better i ron were used for the rivets, the Titanic may have been able to survive the disaster. No binoculars for lookouts at night time and going too fast Other than that, though there were binoculars aboard the ship, hardly a crew knew there was even one in the ship.It is possible that the crews can give an early warning about the iceberg where the Titanic was heading to. In addition to the worst, as the warning was received by the captain, the ship was in full speed. In quick reaction, the captain adjusted the speed to reverse, which was a mistake. This caused the ship to skid a slightly and hit the iceberg at the side instead of head on. It was believed that if Titanic hit the iceberg head on, other than causing of a disastrous result, the ship may destroy the iceberg instead of vice versa. The lifeboat talesWhen the lifeboats were fitted onto the ship, there were only 16 of them on Titanic, which however only allow approximately 1648 passengers to be rescued, which is about one third of the total amount of people on board. This is because the ship rather provided comfort for the passengers than safety. And since the Titanic had the title of â€Å"unsinkable†, the people grew more confidence and they felt that the Titanic did not need much of the lifeboats. Addition to the trouble, Boards of Trade’s regulation stated that ships over 10 000 tons were only allowed to bring 16 life boats only.This would also mean that out of the original 64 lifeboats Titanic was supposed to carry, the White Star Line only provided life boats as legally required. Next, many of the lifeboats in initial stage were not fully filled and utilized. It was due to the lack of experience and knowledge of the crew members on board. It was believed that only about 50 members of the deck crew knew how to launch the lifeboats. It was Captain Lord of Californian’s fault It was said that the last iceberg warning was sent to Titanic by the Californian, at about 1 hour before the SO S message of Titanic went out.The crew of the Californian were fed up of hearing messages being sent by passengers on the Titanic to friends and family back home, telling about their great experience they had been having. As the crew of Californian saw the fireworks which was intended to be the SOS message, Captain Lord concluded that the passengers on Titanic were having a party. This was one of the great mistakes taken by the Californian crew, if they were patient enough to hear the distress message from the Titanic, they probably can do something such as arriving at the scene of the disaster earlier and save more victims.Conclusion At the end of the essay, there were several hypothesis of the massive and lethal event. Before the journey, the rivets should be made of a better quality of iron so that the ship is durable enough to withstand the impact of iceberg. During the journey, Captain Smith should be more cautious about the warning concerning about the icebergs and alert of fi rst journey of this heavy duty ship and Captain Lord should be a little patient and put more attention on the SOS message which is extremely vital and significant for the people on board of the Titanic could be rescued by them.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom The Political Parties essay
buy custom The Political Parties essay The American health market like the normal commodity market has changed its focus from providing quality services to maximizing the quantity of services provided to maximize profits, which they have succeeded in, but at the expense of the peoples welfare. There is a significant difference in the quality health care provided by salaried doctors and that provided by doctors who were paid per service, with the salaried doctors exhibiting better quality service delivery. These incentives have also caused many doctors to turn their backs on patients who cannot afford their services, which beats the purpose of being a doctor. The quality of healthcare in the United States relative to that of other countries has been a major issue. A free market approach to healthcare much like the market for other commodities has been argued by one political advocacy to result in low quality healthcare as doctors compromise the quality of healthcare in favor of quantity and has been found to result in higher mortality rates (Hoffman, 2003). The cost of healthcare in the United States relative to its economy is the highest in the world. There is need for a fiscal policy that will bring the costs of healthcare under control and ensure universal coverage of health care in America in the long run. The inconsistent coverage in health care has been a major concern. For example, a 2009 Harvard study found that there were more than 44800 deaths in the United States every year cause by lack of health insurance. It was also found that there were thousands of others who died annually due to lack of medical care. The following essay covers the current health care condition in America and the stance of political parties in regards to the same and to reforms. Health reform has been discussed and debated by political parties in the United States for a long time with every party having a different opinion from the other and sometimes from the public. All Americans agree that there is need for health reform in America but few are willing to pay for it. There also seems to be a lack of consensus on the best approach with approximately 40 percent being democrats, 30 percent being republicans and 30 percent being independent (Birn, 2003). The main difference in the stance taken by the political parties is whether to improve the quality of health care by giving the public control over health care, an approach advocated for by the republicans or to provide universal coverage and allow for government intervention, the democratic approach. While majority of Americans think that health care reforms should be addressed now, they cannot seem to decide on the timing. In light of other urgent matters such as the economic condition of the country the majority of the democrats think that the health care reform issue should be tackled immediately, while the majority of republicans think that at the moment health care reform is not affordable (Wainess, 1999). When it comes to the question of raising money to cater for health care reform, the democrats favor government based funding. They support the ideology of increasing taxes for the wealthiest and also on unhealthy health practices such as smoking. The republicans on the other hand recommend that Americans be charged with the responsibility of funding this reform. The Republican stance Therepublicans unlike the Democrats believe in giving the power to make decisions to the people rather than to the government. When it comes to health reform therefore their focus is on the patient and his needs and wants rather than the government. Their main goal is the provision of better quality health care at lower costs. They disagree with the democrats goal of offering increased access without lowering costs. Republicans claim to have a bill that is workable and that will cover all Americans without costing the tax payer any money. This bill, the Empowering Patients First Act which they proposed as a replacement for the amendment of the Senate bill was rejected by the Senate Finance Committee. Their reasons were that this bill would not reduce the number of people without insurance cover and was feared to actually reduce health insurance coverage since it would do away with mandated coverage rules that are in operation in some States. The insurance companies would than benefit from more government funds by coming up with new insurance subsidies. The republicans however, maintained their stand since they beleve that charging the public with this responsibility is bound to increase doctors accountability and to increase competition therefore reducing costs. For a long time the republicans have been against government control in the health sector and advocate for private medicine practice as opposed to socialized medicine. The republicans objectives in advocating for less government involvement include encouraging the promotion of health and the prevention of diseases, protection of the citizens from restructuring effort that would result in rationing or complicated health care, create a cooperative environment among the health providers, the patients, the stakeholders and payers in the health care system and eliminating government interference between the health care providers and their patients (Williamson, 1994). Their stance basically is one of increasing the patients control, their accessibility and affordability of health care. They also disagree with the democrats policy of increasing taxes for whichever class and government subsidies instead of lowering costs. They advocate for patients empowerment and reducing government intervention therefore curbing the bureaucracy that comes with the involvement of the government. Their argument against the involvement of the government is the lack of progress so far in light of their intervention. Their goal is to improve the quality and coverage of health insurance at lower costs. In their view, health care provider and American citizens, not the government is key to real health reform. They believe that Americans have the right to an affordable health care plan which meets their needs. Therefore it is imperative that insurances be made more affordable by lowering premiums, and more secure. They also advocate for the employees choice to own coverage apart from the one offered by the employer or one linked to the job. The patients, not the insurance companies need to have the upper hand and the insurance companies need to strive to keep patients business as opposed to the patients striving to keep their insurance covers. Republicans are concerned about the inequalities exhibited in the current tax system. In the current tax system the high income employees enjoy better health tax benefits compared to other Americans who cannot afford a health care plan. Part of their goal is to ensure all Americans receive equal tax benefits, whatever the means of their insurance. Tax reform is another strategy that would reduce health care costs significantly. Inefficiencies in healthcare have been partly perpetuated by a lack of clarity in regards to health insurance costs and the bearer of these costs in employment. Health insurance provided by providers is currently exempted from tax and it has been argued that taxing employer based health insurance would increase the tax revenue significantly. The Economist, in November 2009 estimated the increase in tax revenue in the event that employer based health insurance was taxed to be 215 billion dollars. Tax payers are more likely to change the system or their behavior that will impact on demand for health care services. Besides ensuring individuals are in control of their health care, Republicans are committed to helping lower cost, improving quality of care as well as helping Americans adopt a healthier life and a culture of wellness. They also advocate for preventive measures such as vaccines and improved nutrition. An example is strategy suggested in aiding medical cost reduction is measures towards lowering obesity. Preventing overweight and obesity issues prevents a large number of diseases related to these conditions whose treatment is rather costly such as heart disease, cancer among others. Therefore lowering obesity is bound to significantly reduce healthcare costs. They also advocate for less smoking and consumption of alcohol (Willimson, 1994). This is bound to lower the demand for health care services and therefore lower its prices. They also advocate for equal treatment of mental health care with physical health care. Access to health care should not only be limited to those seeking physical health care but also to those seeking mental healthcare. One of the strategies that the republicans advocate for that is bound to lower costs is increasing competition. This can be achieved by providing the citizens with perfect information concerning health care so that they make informed decisions about health care and health providers. This should increase competition and consequently lower costs. The republicans believe in the betterment of medical research especially by funding it. This would be accomplished by using comparative effective research among other tools. This would ensure that there is a body that is charged with the specific task of ensuring that the medical and healthcare field was at its best at all times. It would also be responsible for carrying out regulatory measures to ensure the healthcare system was based on quality service provision rather than quantity. Incentives presently being used by the health care system have been criticized as aiding in increasing health care costs. One of their major problems with current incentives is that doctors get paid for the number of services provided rather than receiving a constant salary. While this is aimed at encouraging them to provide more health services it could also cause them to compromise on quality services in bid to maximize the quantity of health care provided and in turn increase profits. Fully insured patients also contribute to the high health care costs since they have no incentive to consider minimal costs when choosing among alternative treatment methods. This has the effect of increased premiums by the insurance companies to all. The republicans stress the importance of appreciating the health providers who do a good job and rewarding them. They should be paid for the quality of work they provide and not by the number or tests run or the cases they treat. The use of technology can be used to improve record keeping by making it digital therefore easy to store and to access. Technology is devoid of human error therefore making it more reliable. It encourages low costs, more efficient record keeping and more accurate treatment. Recently a lot of funds have been directed towards improper payments that amount to medicare fraud. These crimes are highly lucrative for the perpetrators and are often difficult to trace. However, seeing as the amount of money that is lost to these fraudulent cases amounts to 60 billion dollars every year, there is need to address this issue and adapt measures to apprehend the perpetrators while preventing the likelihood of their successful perpetration. Thorough auditing needs to be done and more transparency and accountability measures implemented if these monies are to be saved (Cook, 2007). These fraudulent practices besides costing the government a lot of money, may lead to lawsuits directed at the doctors often. Lawsuits often have the effect of increasing insurance rates and consequently increasing the costs of health care. The Democrats stance The democrats most consistent advocacy for years has been increasing health care coverage in the United States by advocating for access of health care to everyone. They have fought for the public to have some basic assurance and security in health care. A research study in Health Affairs found that 50 percent of personal bankruptcies were a result of medical bills, a finding that indicated the inconsistency in health care coverage in the United States. Over the years a couple of the presidents of the United States have taken measures towards the achievement of this goal, and most recently President Obama increased health care coverage to include four million children who do not have insurance cover. Therefore it advocates for public funded systems which have been found to result in high quality healthcare. This group has also criticized the quality of managed care and that of health maintenance organizations. The shortage of doctors and nurses in the United States is another issue of concern for the democrats. A shortage of medical practitioners means healthcare services will become scarcer and therefore increase in cost. With an average of 2 to 3 doctors for every a thousand people, the doctors are swamped as it is. A deterioration of this statistic would mean less accessibility to quality medical care in addition to increased health care costs. They therefore advocate for the training of more doctors and nurses since the more they are the more likely the public security in health care since it means more doctors are available per a particular number of people (Cook, 2007). Another measure that the democrats have advocated for is the bill passed concerning insurance coverage for persons with pre existing conditions. In the near future, uninsured adults who lack insurance on the basis of pre existing conditions will be able to acquire insurance coverage via a new program. Buy custom The Political Parties essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Difference Between an Element Group and Period
The Difference Between an Element Group and Period Groups and periods are two ways of categorizing elements in the periodic table. Periods are horizontal rows (across) the periodic table, while groups are vertical columns (down) the table. Atomic number increases as you move down a group or across a period. Element Groups Elements in a group share a common number of valence electrons. For example, all of the elements in the alkaline earth group have a valence of two. Elements belonging to a group typically share several common properties. The groups in the periodic table go by a variety of different names: IUPAC Name Common Name Family Old IUPAC CAS notes Group 1 alkali metals lithium family IA IA excluding hydrogen Group 2 alkaline earth metals beryllium family IIA IIA Group 3 scandium family IIIA IIIB Group 4 titanium family IVA IVB Group 5 vanadium family VA VB Group 6 chromium family VIA VIB Group 7 manganese family VIIA VIIB Group 8 iron family VIII VIIIB Group 9 cobalt family VIII VIIIB Group 10 nickel family VIII VIIIB Group 11 coinage metals copper family IB IB Group 12 volatile metals zinc family IIB IIB Group 13 icoasagens boron family IIIB IIIA Group 14 tetrels, crystallogens carbon family IVB IVA tetrels from the Greek tetra for four Group 15 pentels, pnictogens nitrogen family VB VA pentels from the Greek penta for five Group 16 chalcogens oxygen family VIB VIA Group 17 halogens fluorine family VIIB VIIA Group 18 noble gases, aerogens helium family or neon family Group 0 VIIIA Another way to group elements is based on their shared properties (in some cases, these groupings do not correspond to the columns in the periodic table). Such groups include alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals (including rare earth elements or lanthanides and also actinides), basic metals, metalloids or semimetals, nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases. Within this classification system, hydrogen is a nonmetal. The nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases are all types of nonmetallic elements. The metalloids have intermediate properties. All of the other elements are metallic. Element Periods Elements in a period share the highest unexcited electron energy level. There are more elements in some periods than others because the number of elements is determined by the number of electrons allowed in each energy sub-level. There are seven periods for naturally occurring elements: Period 1: H, He (does not follow the octet rule)Period 2: Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne (involves s and p orbitals)Period 3: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar (all have at least 1 stable isotope)Period 4: K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Kr (first period with d-block elements)Period 5: Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sn, Te, I, Xe (same number of elements as period 4, same general structure, and includes first exclusively radioactive element, Tc)Period 6: Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn (first period with f-block elements)Period 7: Fr, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr, Rd, Db, Sg, Bh, Hs, Mt, Ds, Rg, Cn, Uut, Fl, Uup, Lv, Uus, Uuo (all elements are radioactive; contains heaviest natural elements)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
D2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
D2 - Assignment Example The environment is critical in shaping and determining the child’s development. In transition to parenthood, Cochenour and Chrisman (61) explain this stage to be a critical stage where the young parents are redefining their career growth, while at the same time a child comes along to require more attention and care from the two. Thus according to Cochenour and Chrisman, a child can be source of joy or conflict; the care of the child puts more strain on the parents, who are still required to utilize their strengths in defining their new career goals (Cochenour and Chrisman 64). The extended family thus chips in to offer the child the required development; the child no long belongs to the parents alone, but has to identify her/ himself with the large family context as all the family members have a role to play in shaping the child’s development. In addition, this brings about the sense of belonging and inclusiveness, which is necessary in defining identity. To solve the p roblems of conflict between parents as the new child requires more attention and care from the two; both parents have to actively participate in rearing the child; the role should never be left as an obligation of a particular parent. This creates the required environment for child development. Parents should also choose an environment that would be constructive in the child’s development. In understanding the structure of a family, the family systems theory would be of much importance to childhood educators. Cochenour and Chrisman (62) explain that the theory’s primary concept is that the family consists of interconnected members, with each member influencing the other in predictable and recurring ways. The theory would largely focus on the family behaviors and history to influence an individual’s behavior. Therefore, understanding this theory would help early child educators to have prior knowledge related to the several types of families,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Entrepreneurship and Small Business - Essay Example Small businesses are also innovative as they are responsible for many of the new products or services on the market (Fucini and Fucini 1985). These factors have a knock-on effect of increasing employment opportunities, particularly amongst women and minorities who find this as an alternative avenue into business. This can be demonstrated by the high number of Asian, Chinese, Italian and other restaurants across the country. Women are also likely to start their own business as they are sometimes discriminated against when they take maternity leave. As small businesses are mainly innovative or arise from this situation, their organisational culture is of great importance as it influences whether they business can react to its environment; and whether the business can survive int the current environment. Organisational culture is a system of shared values, assumptions, beliefs and norms about the way things are done, and it is often referred to as corporate culture (Bird 1989). Culture is also important to small businesses as it has an impact on organisational effectiveness (Bartol and Martin 1998, Mullins 1999). ... Direction refers to the degree to which a culture supports rather than interferes with, reaching organisational goals (Hisrich and Peters 1995). Small businesses have to maintain a culture that is focussed as they are often striving to achieve growth levels and increase profits. This would not be possible without a direction or focus for the organisation to maintain. Pervasiveness addresses the extent to which a culture is widespread among members, as opposed to being unevenly distributed (Hisrich and Peters 1995). Small business will look at employing individuals who share similar drive and ambition to the entrepreneur. It would defeat the purpose of the small business if individuals who are not passionate about the innovation are employed. Strength refers to the degree to which members accept the values and other aspects of a culture (Hisrich and Peters 1995). The employees also have to believe in the innovation or the small business concept for it to be effective. These three factors embedded in organisational culture demonstrate how important it is for small businesses and entrepreneurs to adopt an enterprise culture, as it will determine how well they can react to factors present in the external environment in which they operate. This paper will briefly demonstrate the characteristics of enterprise culture and how this culture can be affected by the external environment. Enterprise culture Most successful organisations foster an adaptive entrepreneurial culture in which members view growth and change as desirable and believe that they can affect the competitive environment to their advantage, which differs to bureaucratic organisations which are more likely to have members who prefer the status quo and have little faith in their ability to
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