Thursday, December 26, 2019
People Like Us By David Brooks - 861 Words
â€Å"We don’t really care about diversity all that much in America†(132). In â€Å"People Like us†David Brooks takes a logical approach through examining the demographics of our neighborhoods, our educational institutions, and he touches on an emotional approach by having his audience examine their values; he does this with hopes of having his audience question their word choice for the American value diversity, and question if the way they are living their lives invites diversity. Brooks uses the diversity of neighborhoods in America to support his claim: America lacks diversity. He states that he has noticed people are â€Å"making strenuous efforts to group themselves with people who are basically like themselves†(Brooks 132). People who share common values and interests seem to attract, including in communities. Brooks points out that many neighborhoods have a general race, values, and interests. When making this argument Books neglects addressing the origin of segregated neighborhoods. When America was just developing its government and values, millions of people where coming into America from other countries and relocating themselves. They moved in by and reached out to others who shared their common values and cultural beliefs. They segregated themselves for support and structure during their new adventure, becoming an American. While understanding that it looks as though America is not diverse because of the efforts made by Americans to segregat e themselves, we have to keep inShow MoreRelatedDavid Brook s People Like Us 1285 Words  | 6 PagesJason Iloulian Professor Briscoe Written Expression II 4 Nov 2015 David Brook’s Essay: â€Å"People Like Us†David Brook’s essay, â€Å"People Like Us, describes about the tolerance and diversity in the United States. Since the great immigration of the late 19th century, America has been cited as one of the most diverse countries in the world. The United States is home to individuals from many different races, ethnic backgrounds, religions, political views, interests, personalities, and income levels. HoweverRead MoreAnalysis David Brooks People Like Us1403 Words  | 6 PagesWarburton Essay #3 October 22, 2012 David Brooks’ â€Å"People Like Us†Analysis Many individuals interpret diversity differently specifically in the United States because of its melting pot of distinct cultures and lifestyles. In his essay â€Å"People Like Us†, David Brooks’ argues that although the United States is a diverse nation as a whole, it is homogeneous in specific aspects like interactions between people. To some extent, his observation is true; people tend to stick to what or who they areRead MoreAnalysis Of David Brooks s People Like Us 874 Words  | 4 PagesIn the essay, People Like us by the author, David Brooks, the main focus is the diversity in America. The United states has a label as being a country that is very diverse. Our country has many different types of ethnic groups, religions, personalities, interest, etc. so in that case, you really can justify the United states as diverse. Brooks mostly uses logic in his essay to prove that, once you look at the United States with a more magnified view, you might realize that te chnicalities comeRead MoreDavid Brookss People Like Us1695 Words  | 7 PagesDavid Brooks, who is a successful journalist, columnist, and self - described â€Å"comic sociologist†at The New York Times, communicates the dilemma of diversification in his expository essay â€Å"People Like Us†. Brooks thinks that people should encourage the diverse community to perceive and esteem each other s different reflection in America. David Brooks demonstrates why all different kinds of humans are attracted to identical and similar races, ethnicities, religions, beliefs, political values, andRead MoreDavid Brooks s Our Sprawling Supersize Utopia956 Words  | 4 PagesDavid Berreby who is known as the author of â€Å"It Takes a Tribe,†was born in France in 1958. He was raised by an American mother and a Jewish father. Berreby talks about the lifestyle of being a college student in gaining a respectable position in the hierarchy of a college tradition within the club membership. David Berrebys’ analysis of ‘us’ v’s ‘them’ brings an impact to all the students because they feel like they need to find or join a group in which they belong to. 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The media has developed in such a way that they now control us as people. For example in â€Å"The Grill Buying Guy,†David Brooks perfectly exemplifies this when connecting a new grill to the key to happiness for typical family men in society. He also takes it a step further and explain how some go the extra mile to buy the grill that cost the mostRead MoreAnalysis Of Nonconformity Is Skin Deep901 Words  | 4 Pagesspruce up our flesh, but it adds personality. Tattoos modify a persons self-esteem and body. David Brooks article Nonconformity Is Skin Deep explains how wearing a tattoo became a way o f self-expression and even a part of the consumerism. Brooks emphasizes on the idea that many acquire tattoos to be part of a social group and to have (as he sarcastically says) something to talk about with others. Brooks compares tattoos to the dark and edgy underbelly of each tattoo-wearers personality. With the
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
What Is Gender Equality - 911 Words
What is gender equality? To my understanding, gender equality is both genders evenly alike as a whole. Now, wait. What does that mean? Evenly alike as a whole? Who even speaks like that in the real world? Apparently, I do. Let me put it this way, take everybody in the world and put them together as one person. Not man, nor woman. Which I know is hard to imagine, but just go with me here. Now think of all that they are capable of doing. Split it back up into everybody in the world. We are all capable of doing what that one person was able to do. We become more alike when we are put together as a whole. Still don t get it? That s okay; let me try explaining it differently. You cannot picture equality if you don t look at the whole picture. Think of a painting. In a painting, many things make up that picture. One stroke, then another. Each stroke different, but as a whole it is all alike. We all have our differences, but put together we are just one. As one of my teachers put it, I am y ou, and you are me. I am him, and he is me. We are all just one; even. That is when you can start to see equality. According to CNN women get paid 74 cent for each dollar that a man make, even though they’re doing the same exact job and they have the same exact talent and experience. For more than 100 years, Women were and still are fighting for equal rights, but still we can see that men are the one that are controlling everything while techquniclly women were the ones that gave life toShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Gender Equality? Essay2156 Words  | 9 PagesWhat is gender equality? Gender equality is when both genders, male and female can enjoy the same rights as one another – they are considered each other’s equals. When thinking about gender equality it seems straight forward, both genders are equal – having all the same rights, treated with the same amount of respect. I ask myself why would it be any other way? We are all people at the end of the day, equality should be a given. â€Å"Gender empowerment doesn t mean discrimination; it only means equalityRead MoreTo What Extent Does Gender Equality And Changing Gender1771 Words  | 8 Pages To what extent does gender equality and changing gender roles in society affect cultural traditions? For centuries, women and men have been labeled because of their sex. Regardless of how strong a woman is, or how sensitive a man is, society will hold them to a certain standard because of their gender. Especially if that individual grew up learning certain traditions within their culture. Gender roles is defined as ‘normal’ standards created by society in many countries all over the worldRead MorePublic Opinion on Gender Issues: Human Rights, American Civil Rights, and Feminist Movements1328 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Movements that Significantly Affected Public Opinion on Gender Issues: Human Rights, American Civil Rights, and Feminist Movements The development of social movements in the course of human history has led to unprecedented changes that challenged the not only the status quo, but most importantly, the worldviews of societies as well. Social movements have sprung to create a new world order that defined human societies as they exist today. It is not surprising, then, that social movements likeRead MoreGender Equality Should be Universally Imposed845 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Gender equality does not imply that women and men are the same, but that they have equal value and should be accorded equal treatment,†this means that women should be respected and treated just like men. The song â€Å"Anything you can do, I can do better,†shows how society started to change in favor of women, even though it might be in a competitive fashion it does not have to be that way. In order for society to grow and to become a better one men and women should be considered equal. Gender equalityRead MoreGender Equality And Women s Rights1274 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscrimination and gender equality takes action to achieve women’s rights. AAUW provides and gives women the chance to have an education, while Catalyst reaches out to women to carry out equal pay, equal participation in the workplace, and remove discrimination. UN Women attains to human rights for women. Throughout history women have fought for gender equality in the workplace and in education, and every year organizations like AAUW, Catalyst, and UN Women have gotten closer to balancing equality. Read MoreGender Should Not Be A Problem1737 Words  | 7 PagesGender Should Not be a Problem. It’s not a new problem. Women have been discriminated against for decades. This has and always will lead to a rift in the equality of women. It’s an unfair battle for equality, sure women have an amendmendment stating that all women have the right to vote , but it’s still not enough. That amendmendment only fixes half the problem. There’s still the problem of gender roles, the wage gap, and countless other problems stopping women from have the equality women haveRead MoreGender Should Not Be A Problem1737 Words  | 7 PagesGender Should Not be a Problem. It’s not a new problem. Women have been discriminated against for decades. This has and always will lead to a rift in the equality of women. It’s an unfair battle for equality, sure women have an amendmendment stating that all women have the right to vote , but it’s still not enough. That amendmendment only fixes half the problem. There’s still the problem of gender roles, the wage gap, and countless other problems stopping women from have the equality women haveRead MoreGender Inequality And Gender Equality1667 Words  | 7 PagesGender inequality is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is affected by gender. Gender inequality is an issue not just nationally but globally. This issue is portrayed by the mistreating of individuals, mainly women, and not valuing everyone as one. This presentation will illustrate the exploration of gender equality, propose a solution and why that solution will produce a better future for a better world. Gender inequality is a very important issue common in our world today thatRead MoreGender And Gender Differences974 Words  | 4 PagesGender differences are fascinating in the way that one must fit through the assumptions and inevitable confusion to distinguish the reality of the assumption. Men and women are obviously different, inherently but not in what they can and cannot do. Men and women are different and have different roles because this is society presented them to the world. Women have it the most difficult. There should be equality among all men and women of all race and ethnicity. This is a never-ending issue. We asRead MoreThe Republic, By Plato1250 Words  | 5 Pages In his text, The Republic, Plato leads us through an elaborate thought experiment in which he creates the ideal city. Throughout The Republic Plato constructs the laws and societal structures of what he deems will lead to a high functioning society. He names this city Kallipolis. A cornerstone of Ka llipolis’ structure is Plato’s principle of specialization. The Principle of Specialization argues that each member of society must do the job in which he is best suited. Plato explains â€Å"The result,
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Knowledge Management for Telecommunication -
Question: Discuss about theKnowledge Managementfor ABC Telecommunication. Answer: Challenges of Implementing AHP There are several challenges of implementing AHP as a knowledge management tool in any organization (Hislop, 2013). However, the major challenge for ABC Telecommunication is total cost of the implementation process. When implementing AHP, there are additional costs along with the implementation cost. These costs include product cost, license cost, training, maintenance and software subscription cost. Among these costs, training cost for the employees is the major challenge for the organization (Ngai Chan, 2005). On the other hand, ABC management will have to regularly update the software as KM tools are rapidly changing with the changing demand of the market. Benefits and Limitations of AHP For ABC Co. Ltd, t he management of the organization is expecting that AHP system will assist the bid management method of the organization by delivering the managers and officers relevant information and knowledge so they can properly prepare documents for submitting a tender. Besides, it is also expected that this system will help the SAAB department of the organization to retain, share and develop information (Ngai and Chan, 2005). As the organization will be able to gain ample amount of knowledge, they will become more competitive and will be able to fulfill the demand of the consumers. However, developing KM practices within dissimilar cultural setting is a problem. Due to differences in how knowledge is formed and utilized in different cultures, it is tough to implement KM tools. References Hislop, D. (2013).Knowledge management in organizations: A critical introduction. Oxford University Press. Ngai, E.W.T, Chan, E.W.C. (2005) Evaluation of Knowledge Management Tools using AHP, Expert Systems with Applications, 29, pp.889-899
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Most Difficult Thing I have Ever Done free essay sample
â€Å"Challenge†it self means â€Å"Difficulty†, however, everyone in their life go through this practice. Some people give up, while some of them just try hard to get out of it. It’s true that every person, once in their life has to face certainty, but they are afraid from inside of their heart to face it. But, you got to make your mind up and consider the fact. You got to think how to prevail over this difficult time. To prove this piece of information, I will talk with reference to my life. The most difficult thing, I ever have done in my life was that, I moved from India to USA as a settler. Before, going directly to the point on how I moved from India to USA, I will like to first talk regarding my birth in India. So, I was born in India on 24th March, 1993 in a small city name Navsari which is very much located in Gujarat state, in India. We will write a custom essay sample on The Most Difficult Thing I have Ever Done or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In India, I was raised up. I used to study in Seventh-Day Adventist English High School, studied there almost from kindergarten up till 10th grade. I had bunch of friends over there. Some friends were extremely close to me, moreover they meant a lot to me. If they observe me in some sort of trouble they used to assist me. We all used to stay like solitary family and treat each other as a part of it. I, basically, used to stay in joint family. We have like a big, three storeys, mansion which is divided into four houses but they are adjacent to each other, each have four living rooms, four kitchens, each house have five bedrooms and three drawing rooms, and there is a big passageway which divides the kitchen and living area, we have an elongated balcony in which there are four swings placed, on which I used to sit every morning and every night to refresh my mind from all day work, I loved swings. There is a very big compound wall surrounding my house. There were four families staying in it, which were basically my cousins (my grandfather’s three brothers including my grandfathers’ family). Now let me come to the point. It was a cold day. I was sitting in my room and was watching a television show. So, after a while my dad came home, he called me and my family in our living room. Then, he said that our immigrant file has been approved so we are going to USA. Everyone in my family was very happy. So, I went to my mom and started crying. My mom asked me, â€Å"What happen? Why are you crying?†At that very time, I was not able to utter a word from my mouth. By then the sun was setting down and the moon was rising up. My dad was sitting in his bedroom. I went to him to talk about that I do not want to go to USA and I will stay here with my grandfather and grandmother. But, I was afraid to talk to my dad about this. But, then I make up my mind and went to my dad. My dad I asked me, â€Å"What is wrong with you today?†I said, â€Å"Daddy are we really going to USA? Can we just stay here, Please?†My dad replied, â€Å"Yes, we are going to USA and we c annot stay here because I want you to make your carrier over there.†I instantly said back to him, â€Å"No, I am not ready to go to USA and you all can go there but I am not coming with you. I will stay with grandpa and grandma.†After having a conversation with him, I ran towards my bedroom and I was literally weeping. So many thoughts were running in my mind. I was thinking to myself that I will lose all the fun that I used to have with my friends; I will not have any relatives over there to whom I know. I will lose all the fun that I used to have with all my cousin everyday at their home or mine. I will miss my swing, my school days with my friends, and parties with friends. I just want to stay in India. I was also thinking that why my dad did not hear a word from me and tell me to do what he says to me. Everyone in my family as well as my cousins who were essentially my neighbors, come to know about our family was about to go to USA. I was not ready to go away from my cousins, my friends, not even from my house. But, then, I have to. Soon, the day arrived when I was about to come USA. My flight was on 26th September, 2010, Wednesday. Some of my cousins come to drop us off to the airport. While we were coming to the airport, we had lots of fun together. Inside from my heart I was crying, but I did not want to show that I am really sad. So, I was talking, laughing, and was playing with my cousin. My friends were calling me on my cell phone and I really was not able to talk with them properly. I was really in a very big grief; I did not know what to do. But, I had no option instead. Finally, we reached airport and my cousins were telling us â€Å"Good-Bye†and they said that everything will be alright, don’t worry. I hugged one of my cousins and I cried a lot in front of all. Afterwards I was going inside the airport and last thing I saw was that my cousins were waving their hands to say us â€Å"Good-Bye.†Finally, I got on the plane and the plane started moving, my heartbeats were increasing because I really did not want to go USA. As the time passed by I was more and more thinking about India. Everyone on the plane was sleeping but, I was weeping. Finally, we were in USA, I remember it was on 27th September, 2010, Thursday. I remember my aunt who is basically my dad’s sister came to pick us up on the airport. We were then heading back to my aunt’s home. I was constantly looking outside from the car window and thinking about India. Everything was changed, nothing was like India. I was thinking to myself that how will I stay here? Because the environment was not the one in which I grew up, everything seems different. I wanted to cry but I did not. By then, I reach my aunt’s home and there were some guests at her residence that came to meet us (they were also my cousins). I was not feeling well, my ears were popped out and I was feeling almost like passing out. So, I went in the basement (which was now my and my cousin room) for having a nap. Next day morning, I woke up and was feeling lonesome. I called my mom and told her and wept in front of her and she comforted me. Several days passed but I was not able to accept the fact that I was in USA and now that I have to live my present life (I would not say rest of my life since I may not reside here very longer and I might go back to India) in USA which is far most different life from India. I was not talking with anyone from my family. After 7 days I and my cousin got admission in â€Å"North Brunswick Township High School.†I was afraid to go to the school because I felt that people here will make fun of me because I came from India and will laugh at me when I will try to have conversation with them in English , though I knew English except, my English accents were so different than theirs. Next day I went to the school. My counselor Ms. Rao gave me my schedule and I was so lucky that I was not having any ESL classes. More of, I was unaware of the whole school process because in India students have to sit in one class and teacher has to come in class and teach students but, here everything was different. There were nine periods in a day and I attend each classes. As I attend each of my classes every teacher were asking my name and were asking me where did I come from? I gave all the answers to the entire question which were being asked from my teachers. They assigned a seat to me. I sat in all of my class very quietly, not even looking around the class and was brooding from inside of my heart and missing my friends of India. I and my brother used to live with my aunt in North Brunswick, whereas my dad and mom were living here in Flemington. It’s obvious that I did not like to stay at my aunts’ home without my parents. Therefore, I used to come here in Flemington almost every weekend to live with my dad and mom. That way, 6 months passed and finally, I was able to make up my mind that I am really here in USA and I need to accept the culture, the beliefs of people and the way they act. I made friends but not a lot. Some were Indians who were very nice to me from the first day of my school. I started focusing in my studies and I started to bring good grades in class. That way I was able to build up my good impression on people and teachers. If someone in the class had some type of difficulty, they came to me for help, and I helped them. After then, there was a poster competition that was held in Middlesex County, on bullying, I participated in that competition and guess what? I came first in whole Middlesex County and my poster is right now posted in the Middlesex County court. At the end of the school year, I was able to make lot of friends which were nice though, towards me. But, the day arrived and it was the last day over there in that school. I did not wanted to change that school. But again, I was placed in the situation where I had to. That was the last time, I met all my friends and hugged them and said â€Å"Good Bye†to them. Lastly, I came to live here in Flemington. It was a summer break, and so I used to work in Dunkin Donuts besides the school, Rt. 31, where my dad and mom work currently. But here, the good things happened were I made friends from school, I made friends from where I currently live. I am presently studying in Hunterdon Central Regional High School. I am not at all afraid now as I was afraid in previous school. I am a senior. I have good grades throughout my first quarter. I can now freely talk with people to whom I want to talk with, even if I do not have US accents. I like this school. The level of teaching is so high and so systematic. Now, I am looking forward for my graduation. In conclusion, do not walk away from your difficult time or do not hide from your reality, just go with the flow and as the time passes, you will be able to get out of your difficult time and you will be able to identify yourself as I did. While, facing the reality you have to go through many difficult situ ations, but you should not give up and just move on.
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