Thursday, August 27, 2020
Music role in the lives of people free essay sample
It returns me to when my folks and the entirety of my kin were alive and we would ether around and sing fun melodies, for example, Row, Row, Row Your Boat (Alphabet wander late 2012). I appreciate instructing my grandkids a similar incredible melodies that I learned and showed my kids too. 2. What music do you partner with pre-adulthood? Was this music an approach to fit in or rebel? As a youthful was attracted to the hints of Rock music. I delighted in music from such craftsmen as 38 Special, Kiss, Poison, and White Snake to give some examples. Im not certain tuned in to this music for either motivation behind fitting in or rebelling.I recall tuning in to the tunes and rhythms and simply feeling the music. It was anything but difficult to become involved with the second and lose yourself in the dreams and simplicity of energy and stream of the words and sounds. We will compose a custom exposition test on Music job in the lives of individuals or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page One of my main tunes was Talk Dirty to Me (asss rock: Poison 2013). The title alone parts with the vibe for the sort of music that the flaunts the ass. This sort of music empowered teenagers to feel, express and offer their feelings paying little heed to glad, miserable, or irate. 3. What music do you partner with comfort? How do these tunes assist you with managing frustration or stress?The kind of music partner with comfort is Christian music. In the event that I am tragic, down or excessively focused on tune in to this kind of music. One of my preferred craftsmen is Chris Tomlinson. A portion of his music that I appreciate tuning in to and that I discover comfort in are How Great is Our God and Indescribable. I lose all sense of direction in the brilliance of God and all his amazing capacities including the manner in which he talks through the music of others. Solace music is another kind of music that gives comfort for the most part when times are troublesome and I feel like can no longer adapt to a distressing situation.This sort of music is useful during death, unmanageable change, passionate sisters, eagerness, unsettling, and separations among other troublesome occasions. This sort of music can offer help to both social and mental issues. 4. What music do you partner with joy? Why? Pop tunes are the tunes related with joy. This kind of music just gets me in a cheerful and fiery state of mind. I love to chime in and move to Pop music when the planning is correct. Music, for example, Diamonds by Iranian simply make me proceed to cause me to feel cheerful. They additionally help lessen strain and get me in a cleaning mind-set.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discussion 4C Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Conversation 4C - Assignment Example It is significant for individuals cooperating to get along at their work puts as they require each other sooner or later during work. At the point when individuals get along in work environments, it is simpler and quicker for them to help each other completion undertakings and manage cutoff times. The video is about a discussion on email behavior and how the email functions. It was a great idea to get familiar with the don’ts included when sending a solitary mail to numerous individuals. I likewise discovered that I can be in a situation to forestall PC infections spread through messages. A significant exercise gained from the video is that it is important to regard different specialists whom you working with. The occasions when an individual doesn't want to work ought to be spent outside the workplace as opposed to making commotion for other people. It is significant for individuals cooperating to regard one another. Hacking into people’s machines and messages to get essential, and cryptic message is one of the dangers of electronic correspondence. Touchy data implied for explicit people could get into an inappropriate
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Study For Term Papers Online With Paper Writing Software
How to Study For Term Papers Online With Paper Writing SoftwareNowadays, there are a lot of different ways to study for the end of term papers. Some of them are very simple while others may take more time than usual, but the key is not in just choosing one way or another.What makes the best is the number of methods available. This article will highlight one of the best ways to study for term papers online. I am sure you will agree with me when I say that it is the one that is the easiest and fastest.Paper writing software, and probably the most popular way to study online, allow you to create articles, research materials, as well as check them out for errors. They also offer templates, depending on the type of papers you want to study for. They will ask you for details about your topics. In return, they will provide you with papers, and you can then compare them and correct them yourself.Paper writing software is best when you want to produce an article for your term paper. To do thi s, you need to first make a database of the topics that you are going to write about. Make sure you have lots of information in your research topic, or else it will be a waste of time.In the program itself, you can choose a topic, or if you want to make your own database, you can create one. Then, after you have done this, you can use the software to make a template that suits your topic. As you create your template, you can save it, so that you can work on it and check if anything has to be added.Next, you will have to fill in the name of the writer of the term paper, their name and their address, the title of the paper, its purpose, date and its topic. This is one of the most important aspects, since it is important for your writing service to get the right information. It is also important to ensure that the proper places are taken into account so that the paper is a perfect one.A good research paper is important, not only to a professor or lecturer, but also to a student that is getting ready to enter into the real world. If the paper is written well, you will have an easier time when applying for an internship or job.There are lots of people who want to study for term papers online, and you will be able to find many service providers on the internet. The key is to have a good research, and make sure that you get all the details that are needed to write a good paper.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Factors That Can Not Be Avoided Through Heredity And Other...
We only have one life to live so make the best of it right? From a health standpoint, there are many factors that can influence the way we live. There are some things that just cannot be avoided through heredity and other causes. But we can still choose to live a healthy lifestyle to better our chances. In my life in particular, I’ve discovered some poor dietary selections and my activity level can be greatly improved from the sedentary state that I exhibit now. From the Personal Health Inventory, the Family History, and my fitness plan I was able to gather information to plan for a better life and try to make to best of it. As far as my diet, I love fruits and vegetables. However, I also love fried foods and sweets. According to my Family history, there are a few cases of high blood pressure, also called hypertension. According to Dianne Hales, in An Invitation to Health, hypertension is defined as â€Å"when blood pressure remains elevated over time [†¦] it forces the heart to pump harder†(326). Both of my parents suffer from it, along with some aunts, uncles and other family members up the line. Both sides of the family cook â€Å"soul food†. â€Å"Soul food†, though sounds delicious, is usually very fatty, salty, or sweet depending on the food. There seems to be a need to add extra for flavor even though that extra adds pounds and clogs arteries. Not only will my love for fried foods set me on the track to having high blood pressure or any other relatable diseases, I like to â€Å"butter†.Show MoreRelatedCan Personality Traits Be Learnt And Developed Or Are They Solely Part Of Our Dna?1663 Words  | 7 PagesAssessment 1 - Can personality traits be learnt and developed or are they solely part of our DNA? Throughout time several personality trait theories have argued differently. Some state that traits are inherently part of our DNA and others state that they are solely based on the context or environment. My argument aligns with Costa and McRae’s theory in that personality traits are ‘situated in a comprehensive model of genetic and environmental causes and contexts (McCrae Costa,1994).’ AnsweringRead MoreVeganism and vegetarianism are becoming a growing trend both are advertised in grocery stores1300 Words  | 6 PagesVeganism and vegetarianism are becoming a growing trend; both are advertised in grocery stores through organic produce, in commercials for juicers, as well as from Physicians promoting more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. More people are opting for healthier lifestyles. Most choose a vegan lifestyle to avoid hormone-injected, antibiotics-induced, and genetically-modified food. A U.S. study in 2008 showed that 0.5 percent and 3.2 percent of the population follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, respectfullyRead MoreDoes Hereditary Influence Iq Scores? Essay1530 Words  | 7 Pagesbiological determinism. In Chapter 5, titled â€Å"The Hereditarian Theory of IQ†, Gould addresses the idea that the average intelligence quotient (IQ) of an individual is strictly based on their hereditary. Gould condemns the belief of hereditarianism through re constructing and finding inaccuracies in the experiments that leading scientists and researchers in the field, such as H. Goddard, L. Terman, and R. Yerkes, made while supporting the idea of biological determinism. Gould articulates how scientistsRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1057 Words  | 5 Pagesseems teens are getting pregnant more than the average married couple. There are some risk factors teen moms face and there is also another great turn outs. There is a major difference between the two. It’s important to tell teens the turnouts of teen pregnancy for the good and bad parts. There are risks of having sex, teen moms can make a difference for her and the baby, the risk of having HIV and/or any other STD’s, and the effects on the baby and mom. The numbers are inconceivable for studies: InRead MoreFrankenstein : Are Monsters Born Or Created?1058 Words  | 5 Pagesby turning against the creature, Victor is deserting him in a strange and uncomfortable world. The creature is miserable and all alone. In corollary, the creature hurts others, because he has been neglected and in turn a monster is created. The creature states that â€Å"I will revenge my injuries; if I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear, and chiefly towards you my archenemy, because my creator, do I swear inextinguishable hatred (Frankenstein, 138)†. I believe that the novel would have turned outRead MorePrenatal Development And Development Of A Fetus1591 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom fertilization of the egg until the birth of the child. There are many factors that can contribute to the development of the fetus and many threats that can impact it. Most prenatal development occurs in a normal manner, however; there are many things that can go wrong during this vulnerable time and usually are ca used by genetic or environmental factors. While the hazards that threaten the development of a fetus can be easily steered clear of, dangers do exist and should be recognized to ensureRead MoreHeart Disease And Cardiovascular Disease1028 Words  | 5 Pagesfailure or arrhythmia. Our heart sends blood around our body and if we have any sort of failure with our hearts it will not transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body causing for a disease to start or occur. Some diseases come heredity but most can be avoided by properly taking care of yourself and being healthy. From my family roots, my grandfather on my father’s side suffers from both high blood pressure and heart congestion failure. High blood pressure is very common. High blood pressureRead MoreAdvocacy For Management Of Diabetes1669 Words  | 7 Pagesresulting from the body s inability to use blood glucose for energy (American Diabetes Association, 2015). The different types of diabetes are the following: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, diabetes mellitus associated with other conditions or syndrome, and prediabetes. Prediabetes is a situation where a person has a blood sugar level higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. However, this person has a higher risk for developing Type 2 diabetes ifRead MoreWhy Hiv / Aids Is A Serious Medical And Social Issue?1602 Words  | 7 Pagespermanent treatment for this disease. Even after knowing the worst effect its victim is increasing in the world’s society. HIV/AIDS has become the serious medical and social issue which can t be cured fully but can be prevented by diff erent medical treatment and social awareness done by the social organization. Moreover, it can be cured by motivation towards living life and changing the misbeliefs and thoughts of people regarding HIV/AIDS. The origin of HIV/AIDS is believed to be in the Democratic RepublicRead MoreThe Eugenics Of The Word Eugenics1626 Words  | 7 Pagesof eugenics is to create and breed the utmost superior person through selection while picking out the good traits and eliminating the bad ones. Eugenics is the study of using methods to improve genetics by selective breeding (Eugenics, 2009). This came about because of the thought of being able to tell the difference between inferior and superior human beings. In 1883 the word eugenics was first used to talk about the science of heredity and good breeding. The scientist Gregor Mendel had cross-breeded
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on Childhood and Child Welfare in Progressive Era
History 131: U.S. History since 1877 Quinney Spring 2010 PROMPT FOR ESSAY #1 Based on your reading of The American Promise and James Marten, Childhood and Child Welfare in the Progressive Era, answer the following essay prompt. Your essay should be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1500 words. Be sure to make specific reference to and cite specific examples from your reading as evidence to support your answer. 1. Define the Progressive movement in your own words. 2. Begin by identifying the basic beliefs and goals of the movement, 3. Then explain why reformers were motivated to improve the lives of city children, in particular. 4. In your answer, identify three (3) documents included in†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Write clearly and carefully. Does every sentence make sense? If you need help organizing your thoughts into words on paper, you are strongly encouraged to consult the on-campus Writing Skills Center or your instructor’s office hours for assistance. Poor spelling, syntax, punctuation and grammar are often a sign of sloppiness and will weigh heavily against your grade. †¢ Follow standard formatting. Your essay should be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1500 words, typewritten (Times New Roman, 12 point font), double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Acceptable citation style is Chicago (footnotes or endnotes). For additional information, go to ESSAYS ARE DUE ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19. Submit an electronic version to via WebCT by 10:00 AM. Bring a paper copy of your essay to class.The essay is worth 100 points. The Prompt criterion is graded on a scale of 30 to 50 points according to the grading scale below; the remaining five criteriaâ€â€Organization, Evidence, Development and Analysis, Style and Voice, and Grammar and Mechanicsâ€â€are graded on a scale of 6 to 10. Staple this grading rubric to the back of your essay. |GRADING CRITERIA |Incompetent |InadequateShow MoreRelatedBad Kids Race And The Transformation Of Juvenile Court1649 Words  | 7 PagesThe idea of childhood during the progressive era, in short, say that there is a definite distinction between kids and adults, and that kids deserved special treatment when it came to dealing with offenses. Kids did not deserve as much blame as adults do because they are not yet totally in control of their actions, and thus to preserve and protect troubled children’s futures, kids should not be subjected to the same adult sentences because they were too harsh and did not provide the child with any potentialRead MoreChanges From The Progressive Era1763 Words  | 8 PagesSome of the most important changes from the Progressive Era were the Savers ability to expand the role of the state. Public health increased which decreased infant mortality, playgrounds were made for children to play in, and better school systems were established leading to better educations (Mintz, 2004, p.173). The reduction in infant mortality was due to cleaner living quarters and other health safeguards such as pasteurized milk that was safer to drink (Mintz, 2004, p.176). School systems todayRead More The Progressive Era Essay2711 Words  | 11 PagesThe Progressive Era was a period that exposed the contradictions found in American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Theodore Roosevelt summed up the Progressive/Reform feeling in his Square Deal speech - that it was all about morals, not economics. His goal was the moral regeneration of the business world. He preached that it was wrong for some people to get ahead in business and politics by tricks and schemes, while others were cheated out of the opportunity. ThisRead More Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Essay2173 Words  | 9 Pagesgovernment was now actively practicing the concept of ‘parens patriae’ thru the court. Moreover, th e juvenile justice reformers sought to make a change to the objectives of the juvenile justice system, including the ‘rights of youth.’ â€Å"In earlier years, child offenders above the age of seven were treated and incarcerated like adult offenders†(Bartollas Miller, 2008, p.5). The treatment of youths had created distaste among the reformers towards jail terms for juveniles; they desired a system to be moreRead MoreThe Features Of Early Childhood Education1920 Words  | 8 Pagesfeatures of early childhood curricula by relating to theories of learning and pedagogy and link this to practice within my settings. The essay will additionally analyse and practical review a range of perspectives on early childhood education in England and some other nations like Italy, determine the relationship existing in the history of early childhood provision in the UK and its present frame and state clearly the role of practitioner in planning and putting on a broad and b alanced, child-centred curriculumRead MoreWhy the Way We Helped, Needed Help Essay2714 Words  | 11 Pagesgeneral welfare.†Considering its location in the Preamble, one might imagine that the Founding Fathers held this idea to a very high standard. While the meaning of the Constitution is constantly debated, the notion of where the government stops providing and personal accountability must be had is the focus of this paper. During the Roosevelt era, America saw the birth of what some call the â€Å"welfare state†with the government taking a vastly greater role in providing the general welfare, leadingRead MorePoverty and Social Work Essay example8858 Words  | 36 PagesFrom Poor Law to Welfare State: A History of Social Welfare in America- Walter I. Trattner Chapter 1: The Background The chapter traces the origin of welfare practices and caring for the needy from primitive times to the Elizabethan Poor Laws. References include Hammurabi, a Babylonian ruler who included protection of the vulnerable a part of his code in 2000 BC and the ancient Greeks and Romans (including Aristotle, 384-322 BC) who considered giving to charity a virtue. Perhaps more importantRead MoreThe Sixties Scoop in Canada4155 Words  | 17 Pages2010 53 Alston-O’Connor The Sixties Scoop: Implications for Social Workers and Social Work Education Critical Social Work 11(1) Emily Alston-O’Connor, BSW Abstract This paper examines issues concerning First Nations peoples and the child welfare system, and their implications for social work today. It explores the Sixties Scoop to illustrate the devastating impact such policies and practices had on Aboriginal children, families and communities. Cultural genocide is part of this legacyRead MoreSocial Security : A Social Problem3610 Words  | 15 Pagesusing â€Å"progressive indexing†to reduce benefits for future retirees to thirty-one percent. Although social security was just used as a retirement program at first, it changed in 1939 to also benefit survivors and the retiree s spouse and children, and in 1956 disability benefits were also added to the Social Security Act. In the original 1935 law, it was stated to contain the first ever national unemployment compensation program, served as an aid to states for several health and welfare programsRead MoreHISTORICAL CONTEXT OF NURSING5706 Words  | 23 Pagesmajor surgery. There was also a focus on the use of magic, charms, herbs, and spices to cure disease and remove demons. The importance of prenatal care to both mother and infant was also well understood. Extensive information is recorded about childhood diseases, prenatal care, and conditions of the urinary and nervous systems. Hindu physicians performed major and minor surgeries including limb amputations, cesarean deliveries, and suturing wounds. Women did not work outside the home; therefore
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Beauty Vs Body Image - 1772 Words
Across the world humans generally feel the need to be liked and accepted among their peers. The same ideal can be applied to body image and self-image. The term body image means how we view our own bodies while the term self-image is how we view ourselves as a person such as our personalities and appearances. The idea as humans we need to be liked and accepted by our peers can be applied to body image and self-image because these are the things that we change about ourselves in order to fit in with our peers. What determines what our peers and even ourselves find acceptable? It is the standards that we have created as a society to deem what is appropriate and acceptable. Society has created and implemented multiple standards for†¦show more content†¦The result of society s beauty standard is health and mental issues such as eating disorders, depression, suicide, and more. We constantly speak of peace as a society and accepting the differences in others but how can we accept others when we can’t accept ourselves for having imperfections. We have trouble with self acceptance because we are constantly being shown what we should look like and when we don’t look like the images presented to us we feel like there is something wrong with us. We start to see all of our imperfections in a negative light which impacts us heavily. As a society we should start teaching each other how to love ourselves and then how to love others and accept flaws because that is what makes us human. The question was intended to make the reader think differently about how as a society we make standards that don’t accept human imperfection but strive for perfection no matter the cost. Women are faced with the standards of being perfect to be beautiful and since we are born naturally with imperfection we push ourselves to extremes to obtain perfection. A society where we risk death and complications to go under a scalpel to change ourselves for the purpose of being beautiful. Literature Review Society creates a standard of beauty for women that often changes along with society due to a new perspective on what it means to beShow MoreRelatedDefinition Of Beauty Essay749 Words  | 3 PagesBeauty is commonly defined as the combination of qualities that pleases our senses, mostly our sight. Despite this, throughout many years, the concept of beauty has been considered one of the hardest riddles to solve. This happens not only because of all of what it covers, but also because of society’s beauty patterns. Society has been in charge in making people, mostly girls, to feel inferior because they do not complete this â€Å"beauty standards†in order to be considered beautiful. We need to beRead MoreCosmetic Surgery Is Becoming An Acceptable Solution For Beauty987 Words  | 4 Pages People have created the modern technical methods to serve the beauty needs of everyone. Aesthetic technologies are going along with the change of beauty over the time and changing the perception of beauty. Not only nature beauty brings criterion for beauty definition, but also artificial beauty is mutating the standard prescript and the view of beauty. Elective plastic surgery is becoming an acceptable solution for anyone who would like to improve the appearance. The statistics in Medical News TodayRead MoreWesternization Vs. Eating Disorders1645 Words  | 7 PagesWesternization Vs. Eating Disorders Historically, through an array of cultures worldwide, individuals have transformed their appearances in order to conform to the beauty ideal of relevant culture. Those that are apart of the Pa Dong Tribe, which reside among the boarder of Thailand, practice the elongating of the neck through the use of brass rings. African and Amazonian tribes consider beauty through the stretching of their lips that is achieved using large lip plates. Tribes in Africa striveRead MoreCosmetic Surgery Is Becoming An Acceptable Solution For Beauty1552 Words  | 7 Pages People have created the modern technical methods to serve the beauty needs of everyone. Aesthetic technologies are going along with the change of beauty needs over the time and adjusting the perception of beauty. Not only nature beauty brings criterion for beauty definition, but also artificial beauty is mutating the standard prescript and the view of beauty. Elective plastic surgery is becoming an acceptable solution for anyone who would like to improve the appearance. The statistics in MedicalRead MoreCosmetic Surgery Is Becoming An Acceptable Solution For Beauty1579 Words  | 7 Pages People have created modern technical methods to serve the beauty needs of everyone. Aesthetic technologies are going along with the change of beauty needs over the time and adjusting the perception of beauty. Not only does natural beauty bring criterion for beauty’s definition, but also artificial beauty is mutating the standard prescript and the view of beauty. Elective plastic surgery is becoming an acceptable solution for anyone who would like to improve their appearance. In a report from MedicalRead More Medias Influences on the Development of a Womans Self-Esteem1301 Words  | 6 Pageswith this, young women are liable to worry about their body image, and may want to conform to those who have achieved the desired image. This image may be thin, muscular, or just average. This can be attributed to the medias portrayal of women (Body Image Advertising). The majority of women in ads; television, movies, and magazines are thin and are seen as attractive because of this. Yo ung women will see these women and may want their image as their own, and some will go to any lengths to acquireRead MoreFemale Vs. Male Answers1401 Words  | 6 Pages When faced with fabricated images of beauty on magazines and billboards, the average everyday person begins to objectify themselves, leading to feelings of self consciousness and humiliation. Now imagine, that with all the different types of medias nowadays there are scantily clad men/women everywhere. Covers with photoshopped images of â€Å"perfection†have now become the new norm and society is feeling the pressures to keep up. The average American walks past and sees about 3,000 advertisements perRead MoreThe Birthmark Literary Analysis914 Words  | 4 PagesHawthorne, the use of the archetypal conflict Nature vs. Science, the character of Damsel in Distress, and the symbol of the Incurable Wound show how easily beauty is overlooked in the endeavor for perfection. The archetypal conflict of Nature vs. Science is shown in Aylmer’s intention to remove the birthmark, nature’s constant reminder of human mortality, from Georgiana’s cheek. Aylmer believed that the birthmark might heighten Georgiana’s beauty if it wasn’t her only visible imperfection, but onRead MoreFashion Industry on Women ´s Body Image973 Words  | 4 PagesThe fashion industry plays a huge role in portraying bad images of ideal beauty, which in turn affects today’s society perception of their own body image. Not only are women affected by what is seen and heard about how the perfect body should appear, children of young ages are now feeling insecure and obsessed with their bodies before they reach teenage years. This ‘ideal image’ the fashion industry continues to enforce only focuses on very thin models who seem to be in shape and are very healthyRead MorePropaganda from the Beauty Industry1226 Words  | 5 Pagesw e are, and who we ought to be. The beauty industry and its’ advertisements is one type of propaganda that ultimately characterizes the way we think of ourselves. The media is relentless in reminding us every chance they get why women need to be perfect and what we need to achieve that. There is endless pressure as women to have a perfect body and appearance. The beauty industry’s aim through advertisement is to make women feel as if we need to buy the beauty products in order to look and feel like
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Believe in your dreams free essay sample
We used each metal 3 times, because when we heat each one of them and time them, we will find the average from the 3 different timings, so the results will be more reliable. Dependent: The time Each one of them will take different timings to fall, because each metal will take a specific time to pass the heat from 1 particle to another. Controlled: The distance The distance from the Bunsen burner till the end of the metal where the pin is placed. The distance was CM every time we placed the metals on the tripod over the Bunsen burner.The position of the Bunsen burner The position of the Bunsen burner under the tripod was always the same hen we put the metal over them, and the best way to make sure that its always the same, was not to move the Bunsen burner, and just change the metals when we needed to. Controlled: The distance The distance from the Bunsen burner till the end of the metal where the pin is laced. The distance was CM every time we placed the metals on the tripod over the Bunsen burner.The position of the Bunsen burner The position of the Bunsen burner under the tripod was always the same when we put the metal over them, and the best way to make sure that its always the same, was not to move the Bunsen burner, and Just change the metals when we needed to. Method Equipment list: 1- 3 rods of Steel 2- 3 rods of brass 3- 3 rods of copper 4- Tripod 5- Bunsen burner 6- Stop watch 7- Heat gloves 3- Goggles 10- Pen and a paper 1- 9 Pins 12- Wax from a candle 13- Matchsticks Steps-procedure: 1- Bring all the equipments you need for the experiment then wear your lab coat, goggles and the heat gloves. Light up a candle, and then stick 1 pin on the end of each metal (Copper, brass and steal) by using the wax from the candle. 3- Place the 3 rods of the same type of metal on top of the tripod and put the Bunsen burner under it. Then open the Bunsen burner on a safety flame and on the blue flame. Start the stop watch at the same time, and stop it when the pin falls. After you observed what happened, write the results on the paper, which includes the time it took for each pin to fall off from each rod. Dont forget that the Bunsen burner should be CM away from the pin. ) 4- Repeat step 3, but using the other 2 types of metals. Dont forget to rite your results after that. 5- After you finish, turn off the Bunsen burner. Then find the average of the timings of each metal. Table: Metal rime (sec) Average First record Second record Third Record Steel 53 arras 12 25 26 Copper 19 20 17 ere hypothesis was correct. The heat transferred through all the metals, but each one of them took different timings.Copper was the fastest between them and brass Nas the second, and the steel took the longest, because when the heat reached the particles of the rod, it took longer than the others for the particles to vibrate, till the Manhole rod is hot. None of them took longer than 1 minute. From this experiment I learned that heat transfers through different metals in different ways. Evaluation: think my results were almost reliable. I heated 3 rods of the same type of metal each time.I timed each one of them, and then I found the average, this will make my results more reliable. I think heating 3 rods for each metal is quite enough, maybe if En did more, of course itll be more accurate. In this experiment I only used 3 metals. Think its fine, but it would be better if we used more types of metals if possible. The timings were not really accurate because the 3 rods were next to each other, so when the wax melted, which slowed down the pins to fall, and that affected my results. Now I know that steel conducts heat faster than copper and steel. I think my rabbles were good, and valid, for the independent (things I changed) were the metals, which is the only thing I should change in this experiment. For the Dependent things I measure) which was the time it took for the pin to fall off as the heat is transferred through the metal. And also thats the only thing I would measure. As for the controlled (things I kept the same) which were the positions of the Bunsen burner and the distance from Bunsen burner until the pin. I could have improved some stuff to make the experiment treatable and more reliable.Problem Solution Amount of wax he amount of wax that was placed on the rod to stick the pin on it, wasnt always the same, and if theres a lot of wax, itll take more time for it to melt and my results wont be accurate. ere place of the rods on the tripod En put all the 3 rods of the same type of metal on the tripod at the same time; we put them right next to each other, which makes the pins over each other, which will stop them to fall, even if the wax melted. Of course that will affect the results. The only way to fix that is to do every rod alone, but we couldnt do that, because we didnt have enough time in class.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
The Dominican Republic Essays - Greater Antilles,
The Dominican Republic The Dominican Republic is one of the many Spanish speaking countries in the world. The Dominican Republic, republic of the West Indies, compromising the eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola. The word Dominican Republic in Spanish means Republica Dominicana. The capitol of the Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo. The population of the Dominican Republic is of mixed Spanish and black-African descent. The society is about sixty five percent urban. The population of the Dominican Republic in 1995 was about seven million, nine hundred and fifteen thousand (7,915,000) people. This gives the country a population density of about one hundred sixty two person per square kilometer. The Dominican Republic is divided into twenty nine provinces plus the Distrito Nacional . It also includes the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo. Each province is subdivided into municipalities and townships. Some important cities are Santo Domingo, Santiago de los Caballlereos, San Pedro de Macrois. Santo Domingo is the leading port and has an estimated population of two million and four hundred thousand (2,400,000) persons. Santiago de los Caballeros is a trade and transportation center with a population of half a million people. San Pedro de Macoris, a seaport has a population of seventy eight thousand and five hundred sixty two(78,562) persons. The Dominican Republic consists of mainly Spanish speakers. Spanish is the official language of the Dominica Republic. English is also spoken and a French dialect is spoken. The religion of the Dominican Republic mostly Roman Catholicism. There is small Protestant community and some are Spiritists. The Dominican Republic has a length of in an east to west direction of about three hundred eighty kilometers and a maximum width, in the west, of about two hundred sixty five kilometers. The frontier with Haiti is about three hundred fifteen kilometers long. The Dominican also have possession to many islands. Such islands as Beata and Saona. The Dominican Republic is a very fertile land, well watered and very mountainous. About eighty percent of the country is covered with a series of mountain ranges, extending in a northwestern to southeastern direction. The most fertile region is in the Valley of Cibao and the coastal plains are also very fertile. The Dominican Republic has many rivers and streams. The Dominican Republic has a semitropical climate. Temperatures of more than seventy four degrees Fahrenheit are registered in the lowlands throughout the year. During the summer months temperatures range from eighty to ninety degrees Fahrenheit in the lowlands. The highland are much cooler and receive about sixty inches of precipitation each year. The wet season is from June to November. Tropical Hurricanes occur occasionally. The main resources of the Dominican Republic is mainly agriculture. The fertile soil is instrumental to farming and many of the mountains are covered with forests. The country also has valuable deposits of nickel, gold and silver. The Dominican Republic's vegetation is much like that of the other islands of the West Indies. The vegetation varies and luxuriant. Among the many species of indigenous trees are mahogany, rosewood and pine. Many species of useful plants and fruits are common, including rice, tobacco, cotton, sugarcane, yams, banana, pineapple and grapes. The history of the Dominian Republic starts at the aboriginal inhabitants of Hispaniola were Arawak people, engaged principally in farming and fishing. They eventually became extinct as a result of exploitation by Spanish colonists. Black slaves were later imported to take the place of the Arawak. In time the Spanish migrated from Hispaniola to South America, and for about a century the island was sparsely populated. In 1697, by the Peace of Ryswick, the portion of Hispaniola that had been occupied by French adventurers was formally ceded to France and became known as Saint-Domingue; it is now Haiti. The remaining Spanish section, what is now the Dominican Republic, was called Santo Domingo. In 1795, Spain finally ceded Santo Domingo to France. During the years that followed, the country was caught up in the convulsions of neighboring Haiti, as well as indigenous mixed-race and black people. When Haiti removed the French in 1804, Santo Domingo remained under French occupation for another five years. Then the French were expelled and Spanish rule restored. After 1814, however, the Spanish administration became increasingly tyrannical, and in 1821
Monday, March 9, 2020
Principles 1 Chapter 1 1 Essay
Principles 1 Chapter 1 1 Essay Principles 1 Chapter 1 1 Essay Students, Welcome to the first lecture for Principles of Biology I. This is an incredibly intense and fast-paced course. I suggest you attend every class, focus and listen while in class, take advantage of available tutoring, study regularly and complete all homework assignments on-time. Decide this evening what your goal is for this course. Make your goal very specific and devise a plan for achieving that goal. Please be prepared to work and to study REGULARLY. Dr. Ziska Chapter 1 Life: Chemical, Cellular and Evolutionary Foundations CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE/CORE CONCEPTS 1.1 The Scientific Method The scientific method is a deliberate way of asking and answering questions about the natural world. 1.2 Chemical and Physical Principles Life works according to fundamental principles of chemistry and physics. 1.3 The Cell The fundamental unit of life is the cell. CHAPTER OUTLINE/CORE CONCEPTS 1.4 Evolution Evolution explains the features that organisms share and those that set them apart. 1.5 Ecological Systems Organisms interact with one another and with their physical environment, shaping ecological systems that sustain life. 1.6 The Human Footprint In the 21st century, humans have become major agents in ecology and evolution. Chapter 1 Introduction Biology: The science of how life works; a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms- including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution and taxonomy – Biologists study life and living organisms Why bother studying biology? Scientists study the living world to answer questions about the unknown. We study biology to understand the pathology behind a disease and to find a cure for that disease. We study the environment to improve air quality and to maintain a safe water source. Why are you studying biology? Do you want to apply to nursing school? Are you a mechanical engineering student? Do you dream of attending pharmacy school? Are you interested in public health and the Ebola cases in Western Africa? 1.1 The Scientific Method Core Concept: The scientific method is a deliberate way of asking and answering questions about the natural world. How do we attempt to understand the vast and complex world around us? How do we answer questions about the unknown? For most scientists, studies of the natural world involve the complementary processes of observation and experimentation. The Scientific Method Observation: the act of viewing the world around us; observations allow us to ask focused questions about nature Experimentation: a disciplined and controlled way of asking and answering questions about the world in an unbiased way The Scientific Method Observation: a hummingbird hovering at a white flower and occasionally dipping its long beak into the bloom Questions: Are hummingbirds attracted to the color white? Is the hummingbird feeding on something inside the flower? Why does the hummingbird pay so much attention to the flower? Does the flower benefit from the bird’s behavior? The Scientific Method Observations and the questions they raise allow scientists to propose tentative explanations, or hypotheses. Hypothesis is a tentative explanation for an observation. A good hypothesis makes predictions about observations not yet made or about experiments not yet run. A good hypothesis is also testable. That is, we can devise an experiment to see whether the predictions made by a hypothesis actually occur OR we can go into the field and make more observations. The Scientific Method After observing the hummingbird and asking questions about the event, the following hypothesis is constructed: Hummingbirds are strictly attracted to the color white. There are two main ways to test this hypothesis: 1. Devise an experiment 2. Make more observations in the field The Scientific Method The Scientific Method Based upon further observations, I reject the hypothesis that hummingbirds are strictly attracted to the color white.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Ethical situation in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethical situation in business - Essay Example panies need to emphasize on ethics in order to satisfy their employee pool and use existing human resource pool in to fillip growth (Trevino & Nelson, 2010, p. 194). Code of ethics helps the company to build sustainable image in front of their stakeholders. Unethical business practice creates negative image in front of shareholders and government of the country. In the extreme case of unethical behaviors like fraud, bankruptcy, misrepresentation of company asset or any kind of forgery government takes legal action against the company. Legal action against the company not only hurts market reputation of the company but negatively affects shareholder’s interest. In the given situation companies of USA has designed ethical assistance lines for employees to report ethical concern or ask question about companies business pattern in order to create a transparent ethical environment in the organization. The following diagram will show propensity of employee to report unethical business practice of the company (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2009, p. 222). The company will only accept projects for which they have the requisite knowledge, expertise and experience to accomplish task successfully. The company will engage only those employees who have the requisite expertise and knowledge to complete the project in accordance to demand of clients. Employees of the company will take care of the confidential client information and must not disclose any of the information in public without taking formal permission from clients. Disclosing client information to their competitor’s is strictly prohibited and employees practicing such unethical transaction will be under legal jurisdiction of Federal Government. Employees and the company will not accept any kind of bribe, remuneration, commission or any kind of fringe benefit from third party connected to clients without taking prior permission from clients. The company will disclose such kind of monetary offer from third
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Legal relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Legal relationships - Essay Example The there are various types of lease contracts and with different terms and conditions. The lease involved in this instance is the lease of real property. However, various issues are associated in the transfer of a piece of real estate. According to Pfeiffer, Timmerbell, Johannes Dotter and Idwell, the legal consequences associated with the transfer of leased piece of real estate property is dependent on the application of the civil code (2009). If there is the application of the civil code to the lease contract, it offers the possibility of the acquirer to terminate existing lease contract under the terms and provision offered by the law. This is done within fourteen days if not agreed upon and the seller has the obligation of compensating the lessee. The transfer of the contract by the lessee is possible through a sublease or if the lease contract contains provisions allowing the transfer. However, there are various provisions and it is advisable to review each case individually. Conclusively, it is possible to transfer the lease to another prospective investor if an individual is unable to continue financing the lease contract. It requires that a person follow the outlined formalities in order to facilitate the transfer of the lease contract. This assist to ensure that the transfer of the piece of real property is conducted appropriately without creating potential problems that can be faced. Pfeiffer G. F, Timmerbeil Sven, Johannes dotter F& Tidwel K. L. (COL). (2009).International asset transfer: an overview of the main jurisdictions : a practitioners handbook .New York: Walter de
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Behavioural and Cognitive Approaches to Learning Comparison
Behavioural and Cognitive Approaches to Learning Comparison Compare and contrast two perspectives in psychology and the ways in which they study learning. The two perspectives chosen to be compared in this essay were the behavioural approach to learning and the cognitive approach. The behavioural approach to learning involves the observation of identifiable behavioural characteristics and rejects anything to do with thought processes or consciousness as it regards these features unrecognisable (Miell et al, 2002). Contrastingly, the cognitive approach focuses entirely upon thought processes and the faculties associated with the conceptual mind to understand the concept learning. In this assignment we will look at the ways in which these two fields have provided support for the concept of learning, whilst appreciating the similarities and differences of either approach. The behavioural perspective was established by Watson. Concerned with the principles of objective scientific research, Watson rejected the notion of internal psychological mechanics as he believed that this could not be empirically measured (Miell et al, 2002). All Watson was interested in was observable external phenomena, which meant behaviour. The emphasis that Watson and behaviourism put on the concept of learning was that of the association made by the organism to its external environment. This places the individual as a learning vessel reacting to the environment. However, the extent and nature of this relationship has been argued across the field of behaviourist research. A fundamental distinction between the two approaches to learning within the field of behaviourism is within the notion of conditioning classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Research into classical conditioning was defined in principle by physiologist Pavlov (Miell et al, 2002). Pavlov observed tha t in relation to certain stimuli dog’s behaviour could be conditioned through association. Using the dogs’ biological response to hunger, Pavlov revealed in his experiments the basic principle relationship between an observable stimulus and its learned response as an outcome. His work indicated that a dogs’ natural reflex to hunger could be conditioned through the contrived association of a manipulated neutral stimulus. Essentially, he showed that pairing the noise of a bell with the introduction of food the dog would salivate eventually learning through association that the bell signified food. This response was labelled the conditional response and the bell was labelled the conditional stimulus. In classical conditioning, we can see that learning is defined as a modification of behaviour caused by association and manipulation of environmental stimuli. However, the extent of intelligence involved in this form of learning is very limited. The second distinction in the behavioural approach is operant conditioning. Research conducted by Skinner gave insight into the notion of developmental or figurative learning in the form of reward and positive regard (Skinner, 1948/1990). This approach assumed that animals were primarily interactive within the role of learning behaviours. Given a variety of different consequences for each potential behaviour, it was believed that animals could decide what behaviour was best to adopt in any particular environment as it had learned and could apply through relevant schemas. In Skinner’s experiment, he used rats and manipulated their environment through reinforcement to see to what extent their behaviour could be shaped through conditioned learning (Skinner, 1948/1990). Essentially, the rats in this experiment changed their behaviours through positive reinforcement, which provided evidence of learning. From these findings the role of discrimination between stimuli was believed to be understood in the form of shaping. What had been established in both forms of behavioural models is that learning could be shaped through the manipulation of specific stimuli in any environment. However, what underlines these behavioural models of learning is the idea that learning is no more than a response to certain stimuli under manipulative environmental conditioning. This is where we can see a significant difference between that of the behavioural approach and that of the cognitive. The cognitive approach addresses the human capacity to categorise, generalise and conceptualise certain phenomena (Miell, 2002). Primarily concerned with the functioning of the mind within learning with the mind this approach, concerns itself primarily with notions such as memory, perception and categorisation (Miell, 2002). Interested in the role of perception and memory within the role of category learning, the psychologist Bruner et al, devised a test to see how we constructed categories. Unlike conditioning, Bruner suggested that this was an engaging intelligent procedure performed by way of hypothesis testing stages of acceptance and rejection based upon trial (Bruner et al, 1956). A variety of shapes were used in a variety of conditions. Some of these shared the same number of shapes, some the same colour of shape and others the same number of borders. No two varieties were identical. From the results of this experiment, Bruner et al surmised that there were two forms of learn ing that had been present. Firstly, successive scanning, which entertained one hypothesis at a time and secondly, conservative scanning, which sought to eliminate classes of hypotheses such as border, number of shapes, colour (Bruner et al, 1956). Unlike the behavioural approach, we can see from these experiments that an attempt is being made to understand the operation of the intelligent mind with regards to learning through categorisation. However, categorisation as a learning process is not accepted by everyone in the field of cognitive psychology. Although much of the research that had gone to indicate that attributes revealed that a prior knowledge or experience was active and influential in category learning (Kaplan Murphy, 2000), many argue that the categories are innate (Fodor Chomsky, 1980). This argument does strengthen the behavioural notion that the conceptual structure of the mind is open to interpretation, and so cannot be as valuable as the observable findings of th e behaviourist approach. In each approach we have seen an emphasis on the nature of learning. We have seen that this emphasis on learning is different in each approach. One approach is essentially concerned with the extent to which behaviour can be shaped by the environment and how this relationship can be observed through association and shaping. Whilst the other approach seems to be only concerned with how the environment is categorised by the organism and how it subsequently applies that to a concept of structural framework. However, both agree on the fundamental principle that learning is done in conjunction with the environment. Bibliography Bruner, J, S., Goodnow, J, J., and Austin, G, A., (1956) A Study of Thinking New York: John Wiley and Sons. Chomsky, N., and Fodor, J, A., (1980) Statement of the Paradox, in Piatelli Palmarini, M. (ed.). Miell, D., Phoenix, A. and Thomas, K. (2002) Mapping Psychology 1. Milton Keynes, Open University. Kaplan, A, S., and Murphy, G, L., (2000) Category Learning with Minimal Prior Knowledge, Journal of Experimental Psychology, 26, 4, 829-846. Skinner, B, F., (1946/1990) Walden Two London: Collier Macmillan.
Monday, January 20, 2020
U.s. Scourge Spreads South Of The Border :: essays research papers fc
U.S. SCOURGE SPREADS SOUTH OF THE BORDER      In a recent newspaper article written in the San Diego Union Tribune called â€Å"U.S. Scourge Spreads South.†A very disturbing fact was opening drug doors just south of our own community, which is why I chose to do an in depth study of the easiness of drug purchase in our southern neighbor. It's not new news but a overwhelming growth in the usage of drugs, especially Rohypnol.      â€Å"The Mexican border town called Tijuana across from San Diego, California, once was a famous as a playground for drunken sailors and college students. Today, authorities on both sides of the border warn, it has turned into a gangland run by a growing number of ruthless cartels that sell drugs. It is no longer just marijuana (pot), but a growing problem with other types of drugs like Heroin, Crystal Methamphetamine, and Cocaine.†     I recently visited the neighbor city of Tijuana and rode in a Tijuana taxi and was immediately met with a taxi driver named Jose, a Tijuana taxi driver in an open-necked, baby blue silk shirt, he sizes up the tourists trudging off the footbridge from the United States. â€Å"Taxi, sir? You want pharmacy? I get you a good pharmacy,†he urges, stepping from a line of beckoning taxi drivers in big belts and straw cowboy hats. â€Å"Good prices! No prescriptions!†Do I look like I want drugs?! I didn't even solicit the business. I almost felt weird because this is exactly what I was planning to do my paper on. Soon he is nosing his long yellow Oldsmobile through scruffy streets choked with pharmacies. I asked for Somas-a drug that gives the user a feeling of drunkenness without all the liquor, and illegal in the United States. In less than 45 minutes I was able to purchase the drug right over the counter. Of course, I didn't actually purchase the drug, but kindly told the pharmacy that his price was too high.      This just goes to show you how easy it was to get an illegal drug just 30 minutes from SDSU. And instead of being sold by gun-toting drug traffickers, it is available in much of Latin America with a doctor's prescription--often easily obtained. It appears to be crossing the U.S. border via booming pharmacies in cities such as Tijuana.      The sudden popularity of the drug (Somas) has returned the spotlight to Mexico's border drugstores, which for years have done a thriving business with Americans but have recently exploded in number with the Tijuana residents. â€Å" Tijuana residents are nearly twice as likely to have used an illegal drug as
Sunday, January 12, 2020
How Reading As A Young Child Encouraged Essay
When I was a young boy, while my other friends were busy playing ball, riding bicycles, playing games and doing other forms of leisure, I was always listening to my mother as she read comic books to my ears. My mother would always read the interesting comic books to my attentive ears; I would sit with my mother on the sofa as she read the comic books to my ears. I grew up from listening to my mother to reading the comic books on my own. My mother always bought me several books to read every week, as soon as I finished reading one book there was always another book to be read. I developed interest in several comic books, ranging from Iron Man, Spiderman and the likes. I inculcated the habit of reading right from a very tender age. My early reading habit really helped me in life as I developed an undying love for reading and improved greatly on my writing. While growing, I developed from reading comic books to reading more voluminous books, newspaper articles, magazines, novels etc. Books were packed in the shelves of our house. My friends always called our house a library. Reading was always the only option to kill boredom. My flare for reading encouraged me to get involved in writing as I discovered that the more I read the better I wrote. I could relate what I read in several books and combine them into writing something better. My reading habit really boosted my diction and I learnt new words each day I picked up a book to read. I learnt the rules of language, my grammar was greatly improved. Over the years I garnered a lot of experience from reading both fictional and true life stories. I applied some of the knowledge acquired from reading these books to various aspects of my life. Reading lots of books gave me a hint on the ways writers wrote, the style of language used and how best to communicate to a particular audience. I am a testimony of the quote that says that â€Å"A good reader is a good writer†. The more I read, the more I improved on my reading speed and grasped new ideas on how to write. Reading frequently made me a better reader and a good writer. I developed from reading for fun to reading for the acquisition of knowledge. Books like; the Richest man in Babylon, Thinking Big, the tale of two cities and many others were already in the long list of books that I have read . My whole life was affected positively by my reading habit as I read several motivational books that have been spurring me to achieve greatness in life. Through writing I could now transfer my thoughts and imaginations into a book or piece of article. The knowledge that I have acquired over time is what has made me the better person I am today. As I now read more, write better, have better grammar and have become a better man. The saying that you are what you read and you are an expression of what you write is definitely true as I have noticed tremendous changes in my life as a result of the past books I have read. I will have to thank my mother for imbibing the culture of reading in me; if not for her I would not have been a good writer and would definitely not be what I have been fashioned out to be today.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Final Project It 284 Handling Difficult Customers Essay
Final Project IT 284 Handling Difficult Customers Handling Difficult Customers Vutha Dingman Axia College of University of Phoenix May 9, 2010 IT 284 Consumers are customers that are buyer’s influenced by their children, spouse, and other household members. Each consumer make decisions for certain products or the household may make the decisions together. Customer support really has to cater to wants and needs of the long time customers. Their loyalty can be forgiving if there is a mistake or they may be more likely to complain. Listed are some of the reasons why customers become difficult when communicating technical problems. 1. Wanting a live operator but ending up in an automated telephone loop. 2.†¦show more content†¦If the customer senses that they are communicating with someone who is incapable, it will create another reason to be frustrated or angry. If you don’t have the power to solve the issue or answer the question, tell the customer that you own the problem. Let them know that you will apply your personal effort to find a solution, even if you need to ask someone else. Sounding bored or disinterest is absolutely preventable! Have your environment arranged in a way so that the telephone conversations are customer oriented, convenient, and efficient. Reduce distractions by tuning out office noise, have paper and pencil handy to take notes when necessary. Be prepared to answer the telephone by having it within easy reach, no more than an arm’s length away. Customer callers do not hear the first two words of the conversation so when answering the phone use buffer words. You can say something like, â€Å"Thank you for calling . . . ,†or â€Å"Good (morning or afternoon) this is. . .†Don’t just say â€Å"hello†and then wait for customers to answer. Self-control When you respond with hostility, or lose your self-control, you are contributing to the escalation of the situation. You have a snide response, and then the customer is even more fired up and ups the abuse. Instead calmly interject with some empathy. Say I understand your frustration with the situation; I want us to move past this so we can fix the problem that you areShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis of Logistics Company15634 Words  | 63 PagesVarkaus Degree Programme, option Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business, International Marketing Management Author(s) Jia ni Chen Title of study SWOT analysis of the logistics process of Shun Yue Cement Company Limited Type of project Date Thesis Supervisor(s) of study 05.10.2011 Pages 85+5 Executive organization Tuula Linnas Abstract The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the operation of the logistics department of Shun Yue Cement Company Limited, China. 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