Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Beauty Vs Body Image - 1772 Words
Across the world humans generally feel the need to be liked and accepted among their peers. The same ideal can be applied to body image and self-image. The term body image means how we view our own bodies while the term self-image is how we view ourselves as a person such as our personalities and appearances. The idea as humans we need to be liked and accepted by our peers can be applied to body image and self-image because these are the things that we change about ourselves in order to fit in with our peers. What determines what our peers and even ourselves find acceptable? It is the standards that we have created as a society to deem what is appropriate and acceptable. Society has created and implemented multiple standards for†¦show more content†¦The result of society s beauty standard is health and mental issues such as eating disorders, depression, suicide, and more. We constantly speak of peace as a society and accepting the differences in others but how can we accept others when we can’t accept ourselves for having imperfections. We have trouble with self acceptance because we are constantly being shown what we should look like and when we don’t look like the images presented to us we feel like there is something wrong with us. We start to see all of our imperfections in a negative light which impacts us heavily. As a society we should start teaching each other how to love ourselves and then how to love others and accept flaws because that is what makes us human. The question was intended to make the reader think differently about how as a society we make standards that don’t accept human imperfection but strive for perfection no matter the cost. Women are faced with the standards of being perfect to be beautiful and since we are born naturally with imperfection we push ourselves to extremes to obtain perfection. A society where we risk death and complications to go under a scalpel to change ourselves for the purpose of being beautiful. Literature Review Society creates a standard of beauty for women that often changes along with society due to a new perspective on what it means to beShow MoreRelatedDefinition Of Beauty Essay749 Words  | 3 PagesBeauty is commonly defined as the combination of qualities that pleases our senses, mostly our sight. Despite this, throughout many years, the concept of beauty has been considered one of the hardest riddles to solve. This happens not only because of all of what it covers, but also because of society’s beauty patterns. Society has been in charge in making people, mostly girls, to feel inferior because they do not complete this â€Å"beauty standards†in order to be considered beautiful. 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