Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay on Childhood and Child Welfare in Progressive Era
History 131: U.S. History since 1877 Quinney Spring 2010 PROMPT FOR ESSAY #1 Based on your reading of The American Promise and James Marten, Childhood and Child Welfare in the Progressive Era, answer the following essay prompt. Your essay should be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1500 words. Be sure to make specific reference to and cite specific examples from your reading as evidence to support your answer. 1. Define the Progressive movement in your own words. 2. Begin by identifying the basic beliefs and goals of the movement, 3. Then explain why reformers were motivated to improve the lives of city children, in particular. 4. In your answer, identify three (3) documents included in†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Write clearly and carefully. Does every sentence make sense? If you need help organizing your thoughts into words on paper, you are strongly encouraged to consult the on-campus Writing Skills Center or your instructor’s office hours for assistance. Poor spelling, syntax, punctuation and grammar are often a sign of sloppiness and will weigh heavily against your grade. †¢ Follow standard formatting. Your essay should be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1500 words, typewritten (Times New Roman, 12 point font), double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Acceptable citation style is Chicago (footnotes or endnotes). For additional information, go to ESSAYS ARE DUE ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19. Submit an electronic version to via WebCT by 10:00 AM. Bring a paper copy of your essay to class.The essay is worth 100 points. The Prompt criterion is graded on a scale of 30 to 50 points according to the grading scale below; the remaining five criteriaâ€â€Organization, Evidence, Development and Analysis, Style and Voice, and Grammar and Mechanicsâ€â€are graded on a scale of 6 to 10. Staple this grading rubric to the back of your essay. |GRADING CRITERIA |Incompetent |InadequateShow MoreRelatedBad Kids Race And The Transformation Of Juvenile Court1649 Words  | 7 PagesThe idea of childhood during the progressive era, in short, say that there is a definite distinction between kids and adults, and that kids deserved special treatment when it came to dealing with offenses. Kids did not deserve as much blame as adults do because they are not yet totally in control of their actions, and thus to preserve and protect troubled children’s futures, kids should not be subjected to the same adult sentences because they were too harsh and did not provide the child with any potentialRead MoreChanges From The Progressive Era1763 Words  | 8 PagesSome of the most important changes from the Progressive Era were the Savers ability to expand the role of the state. 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