Monday, May 25, 2020
Factors That Can Not Be Avoided Through Heredity And Other...
We only have one life to live so make the best of it right? From a health standpoint, there are many factors that can influence the way we live. There are some things that just cannot be avoided through heredity and other causes. But we can still choose to live a healthy lifestyle to better our chances. In my life in particular, I’ve discovered some poor dietary selections and my activity level can be greatly improved from the sedentary state that I exhibit now. From the Personal Health Inventory, the Family History, and my fitness plan I was able to gather information to plan for a better life and try to make to best of it. As far as my diet, I love fruits and vegetables. However, I also love fried foods and sweets. According to my Family history, there are a few cases of high blood pressure, also called hypertension. According to Dianne Hales, in An Invitation to Health, hypertension is defined as â€Å"when blood pressure remains elevated over time [†¦] it forces the heart to pump harder†(326). Both of my parents suffer from it, along with some aunts, uncles and other family members up the line. Both sides of the family cook â€Å"soul food†. â€Å"Soul food†, though sounds delicious, is usually very fatty, salty, or sweet depending on the food. There seems to be a need to add extra for flavor even though that extra adds pounds and clogs arteries. Not only will my love for fried foods set me on the track to having high blood pressure or any other relatable diseases, I like to â€Å"butter†.Show MoreRelatedCan Personality Traits Be Learnt And Developed Or Are They Solely Part Of Our Dna?1663 Words  | 7 PagesAssessment 1 - Can personality traits be learnt and developed or are they solely part of our DNA? Throughout time several personality trait theories have argued differently. 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